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  1. Shipoke

    An aircraft for Jesse

    Isn't that what John Denver die in. Dave G
  2. Shipoke

    Interesting ASF video

    Thanks Felix, i watched the video and took the test, Dave G P.S. i cant talk for everyone but i do like seeing this kind of post (Very HELPFUL) Thanks Again
  3. Shipoke

    Define: General Aviation

    I Think GA is anything that does not need a Commercial Ticket. If you have to be Comm. to operate it it shouldn't be concidered GA . But that might be just my opinion. Dave G
  4. Shipoke

    Hangar Cost

    WELL Scott, when i was in a hangar at KCXY i was paying $ 285 a month for a TeeHangar, Then the airport FBO management changed and my rent went to $497 a month and i said SCREW YOU. I'm hoping SARAA (susquehanna airport auth.)will step in and bring the prices back to something sensable then i'll...
  5. Shipoke

    Need Your Opinion

    Hell with it Brook put both of them in. But thats my opinion, which it's worth much. Dave G
  6. Shipoke

    roadable Terrafugia nears test launching

    I WANT ONE. Dave G.