Search results

  1. Mike Gagnon

    WingX Plate Overlay?

    I opened a ticket with Hilton and just got a response that this is a known issue and they are working on a fix. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Mike Gagnon

    WingX Plate Overlay?

    I updated WingX on my my iPad and flew today. I didn’t try any new features, but did have an issue that I don’t recall ever seeing before. The reported track would continue to change from being accurate (matching the GNS 430W in the plane) to being 90 or more degrees off to the west. It would...
  3. Mike Gagnon

    WingX Plate Overlay?

    And gone again. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Mike Gagnon

    WingX Plate Overlay?

    The 9.1 video is back... It still looks like a work in progress. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Mike Gagnon

    WingX Plate Overlay?

    Not that video - it was a newer one uploaded in the last 48 hours seemingly announcing version 9.1. No person speaking - just background music along with video showing a few new features similar in style to the new one I included in my previous post. It seems they are getting a little marketing...
  6. Mike Gagnon

    WingX Plate Overlay?

    I came across a short promo video for version 9.1 early this morning that looked like a work in progress but I can’t find it tonight. It was in the same style as this recent video: Perhaps it was uploaded prematurely, but hopefully a sign that an update is coming. Sent from my iPad using...
  7. Mike Gagnon

    Stratux AHRS - Issues with update?

    From Hilton support a couple of days ago: “This is a known issue within WingX that our team is currently investigating. Once the issue is isolated, the team will be creating and subsequently deploying a fix to address it as soon as possible. I do not have an ETA as of yet but I can certainly...
  8. Mike Gagnon

    Stratux AHRS - Issues with update?

    Sure, but just wondering if anyone has info from Hilton on when the WingX issue being discussed here might be addressed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Mike Gagnon

    Stratux AHRS - Issues with update?

    Sure, but I’m asking about WingX working with 1.5b2 or later. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Mike Gagnon

    Stratux AHRS - Issues with update?

    Has anyone received any info on when a fix may be available? I reported this issue a few months ago and got a response that they were working on it but I haven’t seen any ETA for the fix. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Mike Gagnon

    S Tec 50 Autopilot question

    What do you mean by “standby”? I just want to be sure you don’t mean STB mode, which is “Wing Stabilizer Mode”. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. Mike Gagnon

    Airport ID changes

    Thanks for that. Do you recall where you saw that information? I’m tied up there this weekend and as you said, no apparent changes since I was last there. Mike Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Mike Gagnon

    Airport ID changes

    Yeah, I found that list when I searched. Some of the changes I recognized were quite old and it didn’t list the 5M3/53NH change so I’m not sure how up to date it might be. Mike Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Mike Gagnon

    Airport ID changes

    Does anyone know if/where airport identification code changes are published? I found that 5M3 changed to 53NH in the most recent WingX database that became active yesterday. It took me a while to figure this out after my attempts to use 5M3 failed. Mike
  15. Mike Gagnon

    ADS Rebate Validation Flight?

    I just had a Garmin GTX335 installed and went for my first flight today. I spent about 40 minutes in the mode-c veil of a nearby class B. When I got home I checked and found that I passed all criteria. Nice to have that done! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk