Search results

  1. Mike Gagnon

    Venice FL?

    Thanks @Half Fast for taking the time to add info from your experience. We landed in Venice late on the 16th, after dark but before 7:30 when the FBO closes for the day. Taxi to the ramp was a little but of a challenge at night with a few bends and turns, especially with the airport chart I have...
  2. Mike Gagnon

    Alton bay ice runway Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Mike Gagnon

    Venice FL?

    Does anyone have any recent experience at KVNC? I may be looking to spend a week or two in the area in February so would be interested in any info on current services. I’ll try to write for fees and fuel prices, but if anyone has experience with particular FBOs, your pirep would be appreciated...
  4. Mike Gagnon

    Beech sierra down KEEN

    N43337 has flown since the accident so doesn’t look like that could be. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Mike Gagnon

    Well, this looks like fun...

    Did anyone actually read the TFRs? Especially the two overlapping ones near Philadelphia? I was a little confused by those and am wondering if anyone could help clarify for me if I missed something. I happened to be flying from NH to KLOM on the 6th, returning to NH on the 8th. The...
  6. Mike Gagnon

    Radio Static when Receiving. Progressively worse through the flight

    I’m having the same issue but appears to be related to com1. I’ve resorted to using com2 as my primary, generally without any sign of the issue. However on my most recent flight, while monitoring CTAF for destination airport on com1 and replying to ATC on com2, the same noisy xmit issue...
  7. Mike Gagnon


    I flew through it Saturday (my first) on a trip from VA to NH, and it really wasn’t a big deal. Filed a VFR flight plan (but never opened it), and was using flight following from my departure well outside the outer ring. The fact that I was flying through the TFR never came up with ATC, even...
  8. Mike Gagnon

    Fuel Calculation

    Unfortunately the ASA instrument oral book is full of errors too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Mike Gagnon

    Garmin 430 Sim. Where's The Most Up-to-Date Download?

    Any particular steps you could share? I haven’t found a way, as the app loads the database directly to the card without any way to save a copy on the pc. But I would appreciate any knowledge of how it might be done. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Mike Gagnon

    AFM Limitations and Supplements

    Nice. This made me pull mine out for a re-read of the limitations sections. I found some sections I didn’t pay much attention to the last time I reviewed them, which was prior to starting work on my instrument rating. Those are now relevant. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Mike Gagnon

    Garmin 430 Sim. Where's The Most Up-to-Date Download?

    Does anyone know if it is possible to get the file off of a Garmin GNS430 card? Or any other way to get access on my PC if I have a subscription for a 430? The update to a Garmin card doesn’t appear to leave an intermediate copy on the pc. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Mike Gagnon

    Daily Pic

    Yes, it is. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Mike Gagnon

    Daily Pic

    It depends on the winds for sure. I’ll generally stay higher or avoid altogether if the summit forecast has winds at 30 knots or more. But today was one of those exceptionally good days. Winds aloft at 6500/7500 where I was flying had a very consistent 15knot wind, according to my G5. Slight...
  14. Mike Gagnon

    Alton bay ice runway

    Overhead today.
  15. Mike Gagnon

    Daily Pic

    Presidential Range, New Hampshire. This view never gets old for me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Mike Gagnon

    Plan to use LNAV or Circling minimums for RNAV approach at alternate

    Yes, I should have stated that I have the same assumption here that non-standard minimums would exist and be used in this case.
  17. Mike Gagnon

    Plan to use LNAV or Circling minimums for RNAV approach at alternate

    I'm struggling to understand the significance of text in AIM 1-1-18c.9.(a), where it says "When using WAAS at an alternate airport, flight planning must be based on flying RNAV (GPS) LNAV or circling minima line...". We're already going to be using non-precision alternate minimums (800-2) for...
  18. Mike Gagnon

    Cessna 172 Interior Shops in N. California / Western US

    Wow. Very nice. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. Mike Gagnon

    Cessna 172 Interior Shops in N. California / Western US

    Any pics of the 182? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Mike Gagnon

    New England area places to fly?

    @Joe_B1, did you end up flying to HIE last week? Use the scooters? How was that? We’ve thought about trying the same. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk