Search results

  1. W

    Stanford tuition-free if family earns < $125,000

    I have the utmost respect for Stanford. They rejected me not once, not twice but three times. And it's not my tax rate that I hate so much as it is how my tax dollars are ****ed away. Bernie Madoff stole $65 billion, including fabricated gains, much of which has been recovered. The fraud...
  2. W

    "Wow, pulled back the wrong side throttle"

    See, I told you singles were safer. :stirpot: I always hesitate when making a joke in an accident thread (even a bad one) so apologies and condolences to those affected by this tragedy.
  3. W

    You've got One flight left

    I go back and forth on this one. On the one hand, I think I want to fly under the Golden Gate Bridge. On the other, I like the busting a VIP TFR. I'm sure with a little research I could figure out a way to this such that I don't get shot down but I do have a fighter escort for my last flight.
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    Good flying books?

    Yup. I love this book.
  5. W

    GPS Testing out West

    On April 16th of this year I was flying over Northern Nevada at 28,000 feet on my way to SoCal when I lost all GPS signal. It lasted twenty minutes. I have at least five GPSes, two of them WAAS certified units. None of them so much as received a single satellite. Fortunately I also have two...
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    Turbo Prop Question

    I went from a Cirrus to a Meridian. Let me just say that the cost differential between the two is substantial and fuel has almost nothing to do with it. In my opinion it's worth every penny to fly a pressurized, FIKI turboprop if you can afford it. I'd much rather fly the Meridian on a 250nm...
  7. W

    Looking for Cirrus p-ship in Salt Lake area

    I am selling my G5 Cirrus in the Salt Lake area if that is of any interest.
  8. W

    Piper Meridian

    I recently transitioned to a Meridian from a Cirrus. Mine is a later model with the G1000 which is what was in my Cirrus. Pros: - Easiest to fly turboprop. No inertial separator, really well integrated CAS messages to remind you if you screwed something up, very benign handling...
  9. W

    Swing/Day Traders

    With a little over 1,000 hours and nothing more than an instrument rating, I'll be the the first to admit I don't know much about aviation. But I have a lifetime working in various financial functions including floors of exchanges so here's the truth about day trading from someone who knows...
  10. W

    AA pilot to pax: "You can't see the stripes"?

    It's been a while since I read the AA contract of carriage, but it used to be if they couldn't get you to your destination within four hours of scheduled arrival, you could cancel your trip and get a refund. I also seem to recall reading somewhere that small claims court is an option as well.
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    Caption this Photo

    For those passengers who did not pay the extra "$50 arrive at the gate fee" you'll be disembarking now.
  12. W

    He Flew The Last Mission in WWII

    I'm not sure what's more amazing - being 91 and able to travel halfway around the globe or having 60 hours and flying a P40 in combat. I could barely land a 172 with 60 hours. I'm such a *****.
  13. W

    Video of SixPapaCharlie in his new Cirrus!

    Another thing I would never do is post a video of me banking a plane at angles expressly prohibited in the POH on the internet.
  14. W

    Favorite airliner and why?

    I have 1,000s of hours on each of these but only as self loading freight. 1) 747 - because back in the day they had a bar and lounge upstairs. Sadly I was too young to drink back then but I can reminise when I'm up there. Also the business class seats by the window upstairs have a ledge...
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    Icing at -38c

    Something to keep in mind is that the minimum temp for the FIKI system to work according to my POH is -34 C.
  16. W

    DA-40 Safety Record

    Obviously Ron there are subtleties to this and you can hurt yourself in both but here are some examples where I found the DA40 to be more forgiving: 1) Bad X wind technique. The DA40 has a lower and wider stance and will allow you to get away with more side load on landing. Plus it's slower...
  17. W

    DA-40 Safety Record

    I have owned both a DA-40 and a Cirrus SR22T. The DA-40 is unquestionably safer as well as far less capable than the SR22. By safer I mean you can do a lot more stupid stuff in the Diamond and live to tell about it than you can in the Cirrus. A lot more. Plus the engine is more reliable...
  18. W

    Fighter Jet rides

    I was fortunate enough to get a ride in an F-16. The best 1.2 hours of my life. Rolls, high g turns, low passes over the runway at 400+ knots straight to vertical, mock attacks etc. At the time I was told it costs the taxpayers about $12k for my flight. I would gladly pay the tax payers that...
  19. W

    Advice: flying Salt Lake to Denver

    If you can postpone your trip until next week, I can fly you there in my Cirrus. Never had an issue with FF but even in my DA40 I'd be at least 11,000 feet.