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  1. T

    Pa-24 missing in Ranger Lake Ontario Canada.

    Being new to flying, as you more experienced folks know, keeps me in a hypersensitive state most of the time. I hope I can retain some Of that going forward. I just can’t see a scenario where I would take a chance like that. But I was not there and who knows what was really going on at the...
  2. T

    Pa-24 missing in Ranger Lake Ontario Canada.

    I have the utmost respect for pilots. I am only a student at this point so really can’t speak intelligently about making a go no go decision. But with the limited knowledge that I have I can’t imagine why an experienced, or non experienced pilot would want to fly under the conditions others...
  3. T

    FAA delays

    My med express was November, additional information they requested was scanned in Late January, I just got a letter in April 2nd that was dated March 17th asking for a follow up visit from a hospital visit back in 2017. I have until April 17th to respond. Trying to get an appointment wi the a...
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    FAA delays

    Thanks. I will follow up with a call tomorrow.
  5. T

    FAA delays

    Maybe it will help and maybe not but I just sent an email to one of my state representatives. I picked one that is a pilot. I didn’t ask for individual assistance but just to make him aware the whole process is currently broken. Maybe a waste of time but I have it to waste!
  6. T

    FAA delays

    Well at least I felt pretty good for 13 minutes. My file was large and you are probably correct, this is just the beginning. But smoke inhalation from 7 years ago? Makes a good argument for your assertion they just needed get it out of their cue.
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    FAA delays

    Just an update on my deferred medical. All the additional information was sent in early January. Just got a letter asking for an additional piece of information. I did include what they are asking for in my initial round of paperwork but they need it again with an updated exam from my doctor...
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    FAA delays

    Mine has said that from the first day I showed up in the registry as a student pilot.
  9. T

    FAA delays

    Maybe we should start a thread and gather as many commitments as we can to contact our congressman, senators, state representatives. If all the people on here would gather together as a unit that would have to be a substantial number of people I would think. Plan a date to start calling...
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    FAA delays

    I am going to keep calling and hopefully bug them enough to not fall into a crack on someone’s desk. I just can’t believe the FAA is in this condition. I know they know how much time, money, and effort people have invested just to get to the point where they want additional information. Most...
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    FAA delays

    I consider my case complex by the pile of paperwork. I sent over 1300 pages after they asked for additional information. That’s a lot but they will never accuse me of hiding anything! August would be fine with me.
  12. T

    FAA delays

    Excellent. Mine is complex as well. I met with my AME and after we got our game plan together and I got a mountain of paperwork together everything got sent in. That’s good news that a complex case only took 7 months . My additional information got sent in early January.
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    FAA delays

    Without getting to specifics obviously. If you don’t mind saying, do you consider your case to be complicated. I’m just trying to get some type of measuring stick. If you would rather not say I completely understand.
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    FAA delays

    Well at least your issued!!! I would be very satisfied if mine comes in at 6 months. Congrats….
  15. T

    FAA delays

    I will make contact my congressman tomorrow. Your right it can’t hurt!
  16. T

    FAA delays

    Mine went in early January. I’m looking at this winter at the best. I keep hoping someone will see what’s going on and take some type of action.
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    FAA delays

    How long ago was your information mailed in?
  18. T

    Actual purpose of cog screen

    My AME said they may not ask for a cog screen. Hopefully not but if they do I will not have any troubles. My issue was a head injury many years ago that I fully recovered from many years ago. I just wish they would hurry up and do something!
  19. T

    Actual purpose of cog screen

    I haven’t been notified yet but I fear I may have to jump through the cog screen hoop as well.
  20. T

    Online (Preferably App-Based) Ground School Recommendations

    I never really researched it that much. Do they give you the certificate to test as well?