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  1. T

    File request

    The doc is in the huddle system, FAA said 8 to 12 weeks. I think she was mistaken. According to you it should only take days. Appointment is next Wed. I still have some time. Maybe it will work out. I’m going to call again on Monday and get an update on the file. Surely they wouldn’t let...
  2. T

    File request

    Yea I know. I guess I shouldn’t feel special. Your right there are pages of complaints just like mine.
  3. T

    File request

    What the hell are you supposed to do when the neurocog doc doesn’t get the file in time. I faxed the request. Two days later they told me the number on the form is no longer a fax number they monitor. It’s a good number they just don’t monitor it any longer in that department. I faxed it...
  4. T

    File request

    Thanks for the information. It appears this doctor has done a few of these things. Kinda of an older doctor for what that’s worth. I am Confident my cognitive abilities are pretty good compared to most, or at least I think so. I’m using brain HQ to kind of tune up. Seems like a lot of...
  5. T

    File request

    The doctor said he didn’t need the file to do the evaluation. I’m sure he will need it for his report. That kinda tells me it’s a BS thing anyway. I mean this doctor doesn’t even have a staff he is a one man show. Plus I would think if doctors had a reputation for not passing folks on the...
  6. T

    File request

  7. T

    File request

    How quickly can I expect my FAA medical file to be sent to the Neuro Cog examiner?
  8. T

    MRI question

    I guess when I meet with the neurologist unless there is some sort of replacement for MRI with Hemosiderin then I will have him write a letter/note and send for OKC explaining why it can’t be done. If that doesn’t fly then I guess neither do I. Surely there has got to Be a way around this. I’m...
  9. T

    MRI question

    It was installed in 2015. Scheduled for replacement in 2025.
  10. T

    MRI question

    I will do that. There has got to be a way. I can’t be the only airman with metal in his body that needs a MRI for their certificate.
  11. T

    MRI question

    I am and I will. Thanks for the advice…
  12. T

    MRI question

    I checked with the manufacturer this morning (Boston Scientific) and according to what they said my implant is non MRI compliant. However I have read many stories where just as you said MRI is possible. My only concern is what if it’s an absolute no go, is all lost at that point?
  13. T

    MRI question

    The FAA has asked for a MRI of my brain due to a head injury many years ago. That in itself is simple enough, however that same injury left me with a neuro stimulator in my back to treat back pain. It works very well but it’s obviously constructed with some type of metal. I’m pretty sure MRI...
  14. T

    3rd class medical deferred. Is this common?

    Call OKC and they will email you the letter instantly. They sent me one two weeks ago that I hadn’t received in the mail yet.
  15. T

    Pilots can now watch the paint dry on their medical applications via MedExpress

    Congratulations. It’s good to hear that the fight is over and you were successful. We will all end up there but it just takes so long. Again congratulations.
  16. T

    Pilots can now watch the paint dry on their medical applications via MedExpress

    I guess once the Dr opens the file then things move a little quicker, we will see. I just want to see the specifications of all the testing outlined in the letter. Hopefully they will email that part today.
  17. T

    Pilots can now watch the paint dry on their medical applications via MedExpress

    The RFS office told me once a Dr opens your file it always goes back to the same Dr for all follow up.
  18. T

    Pilots can now watch the paint dry on their medical applications via MedExpress

    Well its kind of like gas going down to 4.69/gallon. Not good but better. I agree it won’t be as long as it has been
  19. T

    Pilots can now watch the paint dry on their medical applications via MedExpress

    I have always argued what’s the real difference in a high end LSA and a Cessna 172 other than seats. I mean if you cal fly LSA at 9000ft with glass screens then surely one could fly 172 with steam gauges. I just don’t get it. I would have went sport pilot but I’m just too heavy. Of course...
  20. T

    Pilots can now watch the paint dry on their medical applications via MedExpress

    I called the regional flight surgeon and they actually emailed the latest letter to me. It’s not good! Current neurology evaluation, current neuropsychological, and MRI of brain. Why the hell did it take 9 damn months to figure that out. Should of just friggin lied!