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  1. Jeff Szlauko

    My CFI says that VFR cruising altitude is based on the planes heading

    I sort of get the sarcasm here, but what's the point? Also comes across as insulting, as you're basically saying I'm too stupid to look up the information, and am also stupid enough to take the advice from random strangers. Then again, if one reads my initial post, it's clear what my objective...
  2. Jeff Szlauko

    What happens to a CFI after an "incident" they were a part of?

    I just hope all works out for the CFI. They have good people at that flight school, and if it's the CFI that I'm thinking of, as the one guy in the photo appears to be him, he's a great guy, and I really enjoyed the lessons with him (he was my substitute instructor).
  3. Jeff Szlauko

    What happens to a CFI after an "incident" they were a part of?

    This occurred at KLVK, which has a control tower. This flight was talking to the tower prior to the incident, getting numerous "cleared for the option" instructions. Guess he chose the wrong option.
  4. Jeff Szlauko

    What happens to a CFI after an "incident" they were a part of?

    Was thinking though that accidents do happen, and even a CFI is only human. That said though, assuming there's no unforeseen mechanical issue, I would also think that the CFI should be aware of what's going on at all times, and in this case, be able to take the required actions for a bounced...
  5. Jeff Szlauko

    What happens to a CFI after an "incident" they were a part of?

    More info on that "incident" here:
  6. Jeff Szlauko

    What happens to a CFI after an "incident" they were a part of?

    Yesterday, at the airport I train at, a Cessna 172 went off the runway after a bounced landing, collapsing the front landing gear. There were two people onboard, with no injuries. A later article said it was an...
  7. Jeff Szlauko

    My CFI says that VFR cruising altitude is based on the planes heading

    Thanks for all the input everyone! Next time I see my CFI, I'll pick his brain a bit more about this, and if he sticks to his guns, then I'll see about getting the opinion from the person that owns and runs the club.
  8. Jeff Szlauko

    My CFI says that VFR cruising altitude is based on the planes heading

    Yes, as hard as it is to believe, my CFI sure does seem to be wrong. I KNOW he said that while flying, you can literally just look at your compass, and whatever it says, that's what you base your altitude on. I even asked "so, if the wind shifts while I'm flying, to the point where I now have...
  9. Jeff Szlauko

    My CFI says that VFR cruising altitude is based on the planes heading

    Did a little ground school work with my new CFI regarding navigation, and I asked about how one determines their correct VFR altitude, as in the odd thousand + 500, or even thousand + 500 thing. My understanding was that it's determined by the course you're flying, and NOT on the heading of the...
  10. Jeff Szlauko

    Nervous about flying

    I've felt the exact same way. Funny, that as much as I like planes, and find it fascinating, was always a white knuckle flyer, even on the big airlines. The first time a friend of mine took me up in a Cessna 172, I was, to say the least, very nervous. However, I also couldn't get over just...
  11. Jeff Szlauko

    Best way to get back into training?

    Currently I'm about 40 hours into training for my private pitot's license, having soloed at the 24 hour mark, and close to being able to solo cross country. For numerous reasons, I took a one month break at 36 hours, then did three lessons with a new instructor and airport. My last lesson was...
  12. Jeff Szlauko

    Can a person with an autistic voice be a pilot?

    Overall, I don’t understand this post. First of all, what does talking like a girl have to do with being a pilot? There are plenty of women Pilots, and as long as one communicates clearly all the required information, then who cares what you sound like. As for playing a sim for 8 years, again...
  13. Jeff Szlauko

    ATC and radio tips

    I'm about 37 hours into my training, and the radio is still my weakest point. All good suggestions here, like listening to LiveATC, and viewing the many YouTube videos out there. What has tended to help me is to not get so caught up in repeating word for word what the tower has said, but...
  14. Jeff Szlauko

    Anyone training out of Buchanan Airport in Concord?

    I'm transferring from Livermore to Concord to continue my lessons, and am just wondering if anyone is training out of there, and how they are doing. That airport appears to be so much more complicated than Livermore, but I suppose it's like anything else, in that you just need to get used to...
  15. Jeff Szlauko

    Corialis effect, northern hemisphere, but north to south wind?

    It's a myth that toilets, and sinks, in one hemisphere swirls in a different direction than in the other. The Coriolis effect is sway too insignificant on such small objects. See: And yes, it's simply the relative motion of an object passing over...
  16. Jeff Szlauko

    Can student pilot fly into non-towered pattern of another airport?

    Yes, how true. It should be fun. I just made the decision to take a break from lessons, and have just informed my CFI via a text message. May even step away from further soloing...haven’t made the final decision on that yet. Just so tired of feeling stressed. Maybe a break will clear my...
  17. Jeff Szlauko

    Can student pilot fly into non-towered pattern of another airport?

    Well, it turns out that I am training out of a class D airport, so tower communication has been present from the start. No wonder the non-towered stuff seems so unusual, as I am simply not used to it. I imagine one day I'll look back at all this comm stuff, and wonder what the big deal was...
  18. Jeff Szlauko

    Can student pilot fly into non-towered pattern of another airport?

    What you say is in line with what my CFI told me before our first flight to a non-towered airport. He said that some students have more trouble communicating at non-towered airports than towered, which I thought was odd. At that time I figured the towered is more stressful, because you are...
  19. Jeff Szlauko

    Can student pilot fly into non-towered pattern of another airport?

    Yes, sure, perhaps asking such a question on this forum was a bit premature, as the question posted directly to my CFI would have yielded a quick and accurate answer. Sorry.
  20. Jeff Szlauko

    Can student pilot fly into non-towered pattern of another airport?

    I haven’t asked him yet. However, I know he wants me to be ready to do my first cross country solo, and suspect that he will not sign me off for another airport until I reach that point. Of course, I could be wrong.