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  1. Jeff Szlauko

    Vx and Vy

    Maybe this video will help:
  2. Jeff Szlauko

    Mooney down in Victoria, MN 8/7/2021

    Yes, it does appear that the wings were fine prior to impact. Sure looks like the entire horizontal stabilizer is gone though before impact though.
  3. Jeff Szlauko

    Pilot, 2 passengers survive plane crash shortly after takeoff, NC sheriff says They say the plane nosedived shortly after takeoff, and was having mechanical problems. Fortunately, there were only minor injuries. Pretty amazing!
  4. Jeff Szlauko

    Appears that I'm grounded for 2 years, now what?

    Good point! I have no restrictions driving. Also ride a motorcycle daily to work and back. I suppose another plus is that I am under a doctor's care, under proper medications, and all scans and blood tests are normal.
  5. Jeff Szlauko

    Appears that I'm grounded for 2 years, now what?

    Yes, I thought about the LSA certificate. The thing is, the requirements of it say "You can't have a medical condition that makes you an unsafe pilot." So even though a medical certificate is not required, having a medical condition can still be a show stopper. But then again, who am I to say...
  6. Jeff Szlauko

    Appears that I'm grounded for 2 years, now what?

    Thank you so much! Mighty nice of you! I always enjoyed your course in the past, so it's great to be back onboard. Will certainly keep me busy for a while, and on top of things. Might as well be positive about my situation, and use the time constructively. This will certainly help!
  7. Jeff Szlauko

    Appears that I'm grounded for 2 years, now what?

    Reading your post was inspirational...thank you! Good to hear that you were able to get back back into flying. Interesting too your take on the stroke, and how in the long run, it may have been the best thing to happen, since, like you said, something like that occurring much later in life...
  8. Jeff Szlauko

    Appears that I'm grounded for 2 years, now what?

    WOW! Thank you so much for that offer! I use to be enrolled as a full member years ago, and really loved the course. Should I PM you when I go to enroll again?
  9. Jeff Szlauko

    Appears that I'm grounded for 2 years, now what?

    TIA stands for "Transient Ischemic Attack". As others have said, a mini stroke. Basically it's due to a temporary blockage somewhere in the brain that causes the symptoms of a stroke, but goes away on its own as the blockage either dissolves, or moves along. Fortunately for me there was no...
  10. Jeff Szlauko

    Appears that I'm grounded for 2 years, now what?

    Long story short, I experienced a TIA back in March, and according to the FAA rules, I will need to take a 2 year break from flying. This is the input I got from AOPA. I also had a heart stent put in back in January, which, also according to AOPA, disqualifies me for basic med, unless I apply...
  11. Jeff Szlauko

    May 21, PA31 down

    Yeah, no problem. I always found it rather bizarre where at a real slow speed, one just turns the handlebars in the direction you want to turn, so to turn left, you push on the right grip. Then once you hit a certain speed, you need to push on the left grip to turn left. Like you said...
  12. Jeff Szlauko

    May 21, PA31 down

    I don’t get it. You start off saying “you can’t see it in the video”,and then go on to say there is some countersteering going on. If you can’t see it, then how do you know it’s going on? I ride a motorcycle...a lot...and KNOW that at a real slow speed, if I want to turn to the right, I turn...
  13. Jeff Szlauko

    PA-28 emergency landing on Mesa AZ freeway

    The owner of the plane said "And I just think this was an example of a good pilot who had a problem and took care of it." However, he also said that the plane ran out of gas. That is an indicator of a very careless pilot, not of a good one! So yeah, great piloting once the emergency arose, but...
  14. Jeff Szlauko

    Gopro for flight training???

    I used a GoPro on many of my lessons. You'll probably want to also record the audio from your headset though, and thus would need to get a cable that plugs into your GoPro and headset. Here's a site that discusses some options: How to record Aircraft ATC & Intercom audio to your GoPro HERO...
  15. Jeff Szlauko

    Effectiveness of Anti Depressants

    It's great you're reaching out for some guidance, but most off all you need to get out of your dire way of thinking. Antidepressants do work, but not for everyone. Just because you know one person who says they didn't work for them does not mean they will not work for you! The main thing...
  16. Jeff Szlauko

    Stress test

    Well, I've never had a nuclear stress test done, but I've had an echo stress test done. Have also had an Angiogram (Cardiac Catheterization), where they snake a catheter up the artery in your wrist to your heart, and inject dye while they X-ray you. Have also recently had a CT scan where they...
  17. Jeff Szlauko

    Recertification after stroke

    Just ran across your post as I just experienced a TIA last week, and am still in the midst of getting it figured out, with an upcoming MRI, and a heart monitor for a month. Curious how you are doing. I hope you're doing well!
  18. Jeff Szlauko

    Looks like delay of lessons due to TIA (mini stroke)

    I'm based in Northern California, East Bay area, and was flying out of Livermore (KLVK). My doctor keeps telling me to not be stressed. Easier said that done! Just at the beginning of all this, and perhaps the MRI and heart monitor tests will show something. Well, hopefully the MRI won't show...
  19. Jeff Szlauko

    Looks like delay of lessons due to TIA (mini stroke)

    Another good point. Perhaps due to the mildness of the TIA I experienced, they are not that concerned. I just had difficulty in reading some words, and when talking, found myself searching for the words to say. No physical symptoms such as paralysis, or things like dizziness or loss of balance.
  20. Jeff Szlauko

    Looks like delay of lessons due to TIA (mini stroke)

    Ah yes, good point. No guarantees in life.