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  1. djpacro

    books re: aerobatics

    Jeanie, it'd be good if you could fly with Rich. I'd recommend all of his books and DVDs. In addition to the excellent books already mentioned: Flight Fantastic by Annette Carson - out of print; the history of aerobatics Aerobatics - Principles and Practice by David Robson Aerobatics by Neil...
  2. djpacro

    Aerobatics Training

    Joyce, as distance isn't much of a factor - beaut flying weather in Australia now.
  3. djpacro

    Cap 232???

    The 10B is the only CAP certified in the USA. At least the Extra canopy is a bit more robust than a Pitts canopy. Our '74 Pitts has the bubble but we can easily remove it and put the original back on (or have it open). Thanks for the welcome, Diana. Summer holiday time here so plenty of time...
  4. djpacro

    Cap 232???

    Edge 540T? Maybe they're busy with other things inc Red Bull too? Yep, spares for a CAP could take a while to get these days. A couple of local Giles had dings recently but both seem to have got by with help from MX.
  5. djpacro

    Cap 232???

    Jim - we're probably both right. CAPs certified in Europe and Australia (a bunch of 10s and a single 232 here) but maybe not in the USA. My earlier post should've had better grammar - I knew the Extra was certified too.
  6. djpacro

    Web hosting suggestions

    I've been using Go Daddy for some years and I'm more than happy with everything there.
  7. djpacro

    Cap 232???

    Also, the CAP 232 was a certified production aircraft, not experimental, as is the Extra series. It was the CAP 222 (also certified) which was derived from the Giles 202.