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  1. S

    Advice for speed/flap targets for landing a Saratoga?

    Thanks everyone so much, this is all super valuable information and I really appreciate everyone weighing in. I am set to go fly with my CFI again tomorrow and we will try these numbers out. Thanks also for the heads up not to keep power on and not to worry about nose drop. i didn't have ballast...
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    Advice for speed/flap targets for landing a Saratoga?

    I recently got a Saratoga Turbo fixed gear and I'm getting broken in with it along with my CFI, stepping up from PPL training in a Warrior. We are working out power settings and speeds for approaches and landings. The manual says to fly final approach at 91 kts, so we tried flying pattern and...
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    Student wants advice to end up flying a high performance 6 seater safely

    jbarrass and cowman : I get what you guys are saying, I think becoming proficient IFR in actual IMC is a prerequisite to my FL-NC runs. IFR opens a can of worms with embedded thunderstorms and the like, so requires a good bit of weather briefing, monitoring in flight, and gear, like...
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    Student wants advice to end up flying a high performance 6 seater safely

    "Also as I think others brought up GA travel is never reliable, you're ALWAYS going to be delaying for weather. Don't get me wrong, it's a much more fun way to travel and I do it this way for a reason but if you have to maintain a schedule and reliable travel... airlines, trains, and automobiles...
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    Student wants advice to end up flying a high performance 6 seater safely

    Yeah, one thing that struck me was that a study was done that after a check ride, the FAA got PPL pilots to volunteer to go out and check ride again months out from passing and they showed the rapid decline in skill. It really isn't enough to go goof around in perfect conditions once a month...
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    Student wants advice to end up flying a high performance 6 seater safely

    Daleandee - I've read a lot about how learning a tail dragger improves your skills. Definitely on my to do list. I'm bummed no one local teaches tail dragger but there are a few within 3 hours away. Also a PC 6 looks like an amazing plane. Read all about them when I first saw 'Air America' as a...
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    Student wants advice to end up flying a high performance 6 seater safely

    Multiengine? My only worry with multiengine is a higher price for a bigger hanger and a much larger maintenance bill for two engines rather than one. My impression is that the costs beyond the purchase price are much higher. Am I wrong there? The only other reason to not go multiengine is I...
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    Student wants advice to end up flying a high performance 6 seater safely

    Hi! I'm a student pilot working on a PPL in NC learning in a 172. My school has 172, 152, and an aztec. There are CFIs with CFII, MEI, AGI and IGI. My primary goal is to fly a plane, but since I'm in it, I was considering useful things to do and places to go. I do like to scuba, and I have...