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  1. Ventucky Red

    Longmont KLMO Colorado Warning

    Life is like a dentist appointment... you're dammed is you do and you're dammed if you don't... Oye!!!!
  2. Ventucky Red

    [Na] A good idea?

    NYC on New Years Eve.... nope, NYC (The Village) on Halloween... well worth it... it is kind of like of like Noah's Ark, two of everything... just don't stay too long.
  3. Ventucky Red

    Longmont KLMO Colorado Warning

    Hopefully like the red light cameras they will see that the cost outweighs the benefit when they start losing revenue with GA avoiding to go there.
  4. Ventucky Red

    College football 2024

    No bucks? No Buck Rogers.... :cool:
  5. Ventucky Red

    College football 2024

    Tell that to the folks at Cal Tech, Rochester, and MIT...:):p:D:cool:
  6. Ventucky Red

    For Sale P-40K "Aleutian Tiger"

    Honey.... look what followed me home.. can we keep her?
  7. Ventucky Red

    717 question:

    Glad to see the updated the specs... last time I checked it was a Tecumseh 2 stroke....
  8. Ventucky Red

    717 question:

    Interesting.. Mr. Goggle comes back with this
  9. Ventucky Red

    So Why Didn't They?

    Helicopters are special
  10. Ventucky Red

    So Why Didn't They?

    How does that stop it from backing out?
  11. Ventucky Red

    So Why Didn't They?

    Use a castle nut configuration to ensure that the main bolt holding the pulley and cooling fan on for an alternator won't back out in place of the Jam/Lock nut...
  12. Ventucky Red

    [rant]Why can't we have[/rant]

    Come around Casa vonVentucky next Christmas... sister in law as she puts it "100% beaner..." makes an awesome tamale... shredded pork or beef, your pick... need a knife and a fork to eat them and she doesn't spice the S*****t out of them either... she'll let you pick you own poison with that...
  13. Ventucky Red

    717 question:

    Got it... lived in Long Beach for 10 years and never saw a cable car...
  14. Ventucky Red

    717 question:

    From what I remember hearing from the few guys that belonged to our club was the Boeing put in better engines, and few other upgrades in avionics, and passenger amenities (more seats less space :)), and such, but pretty much left the airframe alone.. My neighbor worked on the C-17 program and...
  15. Ventucky Red

    717 question:

  16. Ventucky Red

    717 question:

    I was at KLGB when the last 717 left the plant and Long Beach for good... Then went the C-17 manufacturing.. Oh well.... end of an era.. But they still have the sign..
  17. Ventucky Red

    Okay... what could have caused this?

    When I dropped off to be rebuilt, it didn't have one, when I picked up it did... and I didn't question it. I will now..
  18. Ventucky Red

    Daily Pic

  19. Ventucky Red

    Beech B19 questions

    You won't get to where you're going very fast, but you will do it with comfort and Beechcraft quality