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  1. n9144p

    In for paint

    White coat finished
  2. n9144p

    Comanche v. Cherokee 6/300

    I agree that the third row in the comanche's aren't meant for adults. However I raised 3 kids and flew them to adulthood. They always drew straws for seating. The winner got to sit with "mom" in the middle row, and the loser had to sit next to me. They liked the quiet(er) back seat and to be...
  3. n9144p

    In for paint

    A primer coat and now more sanding...
  4. n9144p

    Would you fly with unknown noise on startup

    I learned that lesson long ago. Started up to return home and it sounded "different". Couldn't put my finger on it. Shut down and tried again - same result - nothing really wrong, but just a nagging thought. Figured I'd fly home and let my mechanic look at it. The engine blew the rest of the...
  5. n9144p

    Is a live briefing still necessary with FF graphical briefing?

    I still call occasionally when I am not near a computer. I miss the "old days" of walking into an FSS - I used to plan cross county stops to land where one was operational. Electronic briefings have evolved to be better than listening to someone else read them to me. The briefers are usually...
  6. n9144p

    In for paint

    I don't like bondo either. But Would you rather it was totally reskinned at a cost more than the airframe? Or the insurance company total it? They are replacing the movable surfaces Instead of repair. After sanding down almost all of the filler will be off and just result in a smooth surface again.
  7. n9144p

    In for paint

    well right now it looks more like a boat anchor, but it is a '66 260B Comanche in it's former (and future) life. Before:
  8. n9144p

    In for paint

    Still a long way to go. The plane is out of the strip shop. They filled the surface to cover the hail damage and dings but haven't sanded it out yet.
  9. n9144p

    Clear, Green Tint or Smoke Windows

    I like the smoke. Made a big difference for the glare complaints in the back seats on sunny days above a bright cloud deck for my family. Never noticed any problems at night versus clear. Put darker tint on back windows.
  10. n9144p

    Daily Pic

    Visited shop today were my plane is getting painted. They've started stripping.
  11. n9144p

    Wife wants me to get IR, but I'm not so sure

    My wife insisted I get the IR after we spent 3 days grounded in Iowa watching plane after plane depart. Sure you MUST remain proficient, but the wife part opened up my eyes to the amazing trips we could take that you just can't depend on vfr. 20 years ago - and it is still amazing.
  12. n9144p

    Let's talk about Vx

    If you think about the actual direction the plane is going and that you might hit something along that line (other lines don't matter), then the higher your angle of attack, the more you are getting your view of that line blocked.
  13. n9144p

    Pilots watch?

    I've never spent over $70, but for flying I want a normal dial and one window of digital. I have the local time on the analog dial, and Zulu time in the digital. That way I never have to hesitate for a flight plan. Is it daylight savings time or is the city I'm in is eastern or central? I...
  14. n9144p

    Contact Approaches

    I agree that you can't do a contact approach to another field without an IAP, but very often you CAN do an approach at a field to legally get below the area minimum IFR altitudes to break out in VFR conditions - cancel and shuttle over to the nearby field. I lived in two places where this was...
  15. n9144p

    Airports with landmarks visible

    Hulett (W43). You might not be the only one landing there.
  16. n9144p

    3rd Class Medical Limitation - Sigh

    I had LASIK 14 years(?) ago - started to get a little worse lately but did pass the physical without needing glasses this year. What has happened is my near vision in low light isn't too great - so flying at night I need to have a pair of magnifiers to read charts. Still one of the best things I...
  17. n9144p

    Bonanza down, DXR, 2 dead.

    While I've only been there a couple of times, I don't think anything is wrong with the airport.
  18. n9144p

    Thinking about an ipad....

    I have my full sized ipad yoke mounted just like yours. I was worried it would hit my lap with full control movements, but it clears. Nice to have the full approach chart and weather right below the instrument scan. I have the homebuilt Stratux running now and it works great with foreflight...
  19. n9144p

    Steam plus GPS

    My panel. Now with an iPad on the yoke receiving ads-b
  20. n9144p

    Woooshhh... Out the window goes....

    When my kids were little I would open the little pilot vent door on the window and tell them we were flying through a magical area. You hold a Cheeto about a foot from the window, release - and it disappears!