Search results

  1. n9144p

    Sea Lion attacks

    I used to work with sea lions. They don't "attack" - sometimes they nip. Much more likely the sea lion has experience with dragging bags or sacks into the water that might have food in them for a snack and it was fooled by the dress on the girl. What is true is they are INCREDIBLY fast and...
  2. n9144p

    panel upgrade vs tablet

    I would love to upgrade my panel again to the latest glass options, but the ipad/foreflight system with weather and traffic in makes it hard to justify. I'll wait some more.
  3. n9144p

    Full Fwd/Aft Trim

    I had the electric trim in my Comanche wind all the way nose down and then jam. Flying at speed wasn't too tough, but landing was hard - not too bad with both hands, but it was quite a pull for one hand. Something that needs to be repaired right away.
  4. n9144p

    Minor loss of power in flight

    Sounds exactly like carb ice.
  5. n9144p

    Whelen A650s now, install LED 600s?

    At least in my Comanche, the "normal" new configuration from Whelen is AE650's in the wingtips and OR500's on the tail for solid white rear. The strobes on the wingtips let's you do away (if you want) with the top and bottom beacons. If you went without strobes, you would need to retain those. A...
  6. n9144p

    Gear up landing accidents

    I also use the gump mnemonic and have it in my routine for entering pattern, abeam touchdown and turn to final. For Ifr I have similar check points. We had a fatality after a gear up touch and go at our airport similar to the one referenced earlier. If your prop strikes, LAND. You are only out...
  7. n9144p

    The view of flying versus driving

    N57 is right next to Longwood Gardens - they have a huge Christmas display that really shows up from the air. My airport (KOQN) is just a few miles farther north.
  8. n9144p

    The view of flying versus driving

    For the last year I've often made a short 30 minute flight to visit my daughter and her family. Pretty easy flight from near Philly to Easton, Maryland. The view from the air is good with lots of variety of city, farmland, water, bridges, marinas. Coming back at night last week you could even...
  9. n9144p

    Choosing a hangar

    You can store tools in your own hanger, clean the plane, change oil, etc. what I would need though is an instrument approach. Even if they were the same distance, I'd choose the uncontrolled field wth my own hanger. I've done both.
  10. n9144p

    Risk vs Experience?

    ok - first I believe never to cancel IFR until I have the runway in sight VFR or I've landed. But it CAN help a lot of us if you can cancel safely while in the air - planes can be held for release or held back from initiating approaches at your field AND nearby fields that share fixes. I've been...
  11. n9144p

    Risk vs Experience?

    To quote the lead in NCIS New Orleans, "Go places. Learn things." Just practicing approach after approach in real clouds is too similar to the training you had. Learn new things - go places in the system. You'll soon find real Ifr flying is easier than the training as far as everything almost...
  12. n9144p

    Building ADS-B receiver, with Pi3B and NANO 2+

    Admittedly I have the older $115 build without any cooling fan. System has been rock solid from May since I started using ship power instead of batteries. And while traffic is evolving, it's getting noticeably more useful. The weather is fantastic to have without paying for XMRadio. Don't know...
  13. n9144p

    Airtex seats then and now

    Your leather looks great. When I talked to airtex about what has changed since '92' they are using different padding and they countour a lot more now.
  14. n9144p

    Airtex seats then and now

    Pretty easy to do, but I saw a couple of you tube videos that helped - especially a trick with using a dry cleaner bag over the foam to make the cover slide over easier..
  15. n9144p

    Airtex seats then and now

    I'm installing Airtex seats for the second time (first was 24 years ago!). They have changed the padding and I went with fake leather instead of cloth this time. I looked at other options because my old seats were never very comfortable, but at Oshkosh this year I was able to compare what is out...
  16. n9144p

    Giving rides

    Left foreflight on for almost 4 hours of giving free rides at our airport's aviation day. Great time - if they lived close by, we flew over their home.
  17. n9144p

    [Humor] Fun "Home Town" Sayings

    For don't go yet, "before you beat cheeks to the sunset..."
  18. n9144p

    Funny things you have heard on the radio

    Long before TFR's and when the first Bush was president, we were holding outside of Charleston, WVa waiting for Quayle to leave after he was white water rafting. USAir came on approach and was told to enter a hold for national security. They must have radioed home, because they came back in a...
  19. n9144p

    Bug removal off wing

    Flew from the east coast to South Dakota and back. Killed most of the bugs in Iowa. Taking them off seemed much harder than I expected until I remembered how much easier it is if you use a net covered sponge with any liquid. Then they came right off. Crazy how I have to relearn this every couple...
  20. n9144p

    To IFR or not to IFR?

    Based on the east coast (and I would think on the west coast as well), it's much easier to fly IFR on trips. You don't have to worry a bit about all the complex airspace since atc clears you through everything. Sure, sometimes the routes you get are a little crazy, but it's a lot more relaxing...