Search results

  1. ChiefPilot

    Travel to GA airports with handgun

    Actually, not crossing the yellow line on the ramp into the "secure area" is true for ALL states. Whether you can take the weapon out of the plane and walk around with it varies, but you're legally allowed to keep them in the plane (cased etc) under the "Safe Passage" portion of the Firearm...
  2. ChiefPilot

    Travel to GA airports with handgun

    MN is fine. I've carried hunting rifles through an FBO with no issues. For any state, the key is the secure area. Stay outside the yellow line around any terminal area handling pt 121 traffic.
  3. ChiefPilot

    R44 into IMC?

    It can also lull the inexperienced into a false sense of security or capability.
  4. ChiefPilot

    150 vs 160 hp

    In theory, cruise increases proportionally as the square root of the thrust increase or cube root of power increase. Therefore, adding a mere 10 horsepower won't buy you much additional speed (maybe about three knots - (160/150)^(1/3)*120 ~= 122.61) regardless of what cessna marketing might...
  5. ChiefPilot

    Ballpark price for entire exp panel

    My panel has about 18K worth of stuff in it, but is fully IFR capable and has ADS-B in/out. Initially I spent about 7K, and had IFR capability but with a non-WAAS GPS using used avionics. I have incrementally upgraded it over the last five years to get it where I wanted it today, and was...
  6. ChiefPilot

    Trimming down the checklist

    Depends on the usage. I ignored the one in the panel during my ATP ride and used the iOS clock app's timer functionality for approaches and holds instead. The examiner certainly didn't care.
  7. ChiefPilot

    In the yellow arc

    Mine'll do it in level flight at 65%, lean of peak, below about 6000'. I'll exceed it often in smooth air. It's harder to exceed up high since Vno is IAS and at that point it's limited by Vne long before Vno becomes an issue.
  8. ChiefPilot

    Adding more ratings

    Different strokes I guess. As much as I love acro & mock ACM, I get kind of excited when weather goes down to 500' or less. For me, doing one approach after another is a blast.
  9. ChiefPilot

    ADSB out creating more risk until 2020

    ADS-B prevents another midair collision! :rolleyes:
  10. ChiefPilot

    ADSB out creating more risk until 2020

    So you watched him take off and continued to track him visually? Good thing you had ADS-B traffic advisories to save the day...
  11. ChiefPilot

    ADSB out creating more risk until 2020

    Meh, I'm not terribly concerned about a Cessna at two o'clock and 8 miles. I'm more concerned about the Piper at 12 o'clock, one mile, opposite direction. And I've already spotted him. Seriously, every single thing ATC has ever called out for me has been either too far away to be concerned...
  12. ChiefPilot

    Potential business opportunity for a computer/internet savvy pilot

    That's just it - the ideas are always the easy part; they are not even a dime a dozen. The implementation is always where the work is, so to pitch an idea like this and expect anything in return is a bit of a reach. Besides, anyone with the skills to implement something like you suggest...
  13. ChiefPilot

    How many hours is everyone flying a year?

    I've done 230 and change hours in the last 12 months. Some student/training flights (I earned an ATP), lots of acro and mock ACM/formation, and the rest was mostly X/C for various reasons.
  14. ChiefPilot

    Do controllers see a different 'blip' if an aircraft has ADS-B Out?

    It could very well be regional. My experience and that of those in my area is different.
  15. ChiefPilot

    ADSB out creating more risk until 2020

    I've observed delays of significantly longer, and had the actual traffic in sight. I believe the system actually allows several (up to six comes to mind, but I don't recall which doc that was from) seconds of delay for TIS-R, but what I've observed is that it can be longer than that in some...
  16. ChiefPilot

    ADSB out creating more risk until 2020

    That was a few evenings with the stratux source - certainly trivial to do for traffic that encroaches within a certain radius. It's not perfect, because the stratux only knows about track, not heading. Moreover, depending on the source of the traffic (direct or rebroadcast), the reported...
  17. ChiefPilot

    Aircraft lithium battery fires

    Same chemistry, different cell design (according to Shorai). The EarthX adds their proprietary BMS which apparently costs as much as the rest of the battery.
  18. ChiefPilot

    Aircraft lithium battery fires

    Well, scientifically, lead-acid batteries have exploded before as well and it's a bit more of an exciting event than a LiFEPo4 battery cooking off. But in any event, I'm not a scientist - I'm an engineer. And that means identifying the risks and designing a solution that tolerates failure...
  19. ChiefPilot

    Top 5 airplanes with useful load for low time pilots!

    Learned in a 152, transitioned to a 172, then flew a Warrior. Haven't flown a Cessna single since. The Arrow is a nice "good enough for most things" single with just enough performance to go serious distance. I *really* liked the Twin Comanche and that'd be my choice for a twin. The...
  20. ChiefPilot

    Aircraft lithium battery fires

    I have, actually, and I've decided against them partially because I believe their BMS to be less than advertised. The biggest concern I have is that their BMS won't work with some rotax engines because the electrical characteristics are "outside the BMS design specification". Ok, fair enough...