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  1. T

    Gamebird, 4th of July

    It's SOP to practice on the margins, instead of giving yourself say, another 1000 ft agl? I know zip about aerobatics, just curious. I completely get that it would be a different sight picture- but if that's the way it has to be done it's far riskier than I had imagined.
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    Gamebird, 4th of July

    Amazing airplane, first read about them earlier this year- +10 rated. I guess I can understand the fun of aerobatics for those with the skills and can stomach it (literally), but just don't understand the need for some to do it on the margins. Looks like a miscalculation similar to the Bill...
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    Southwest gets a turn in the spotlight

    SWA was aware of the NOTAM, but thought the runway had opened. Regardless, taking off with Center clearance- and not being on CTAF? They would've been in the dark (literally and figuratively) as to any traffic in or near the pattern, makes no sense to me.
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    Southwest gets a turn in the spotlight

    Article states that ATC could not reach the aircraft on the CTAF frequency... so they took off with no ATC, and no communication on the CTAF frequency? Can't be...right? :eek:
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    RV-12 Fatal Crash - Control Failure 6/6 Auburn, WA it, thanks. I was looking at the photo, assumed it was a failure rather than both of the ball joints being oriented incorrectly.
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    RV-12 Fatal Crash - Control Failure 6/6 Auburn, WA

    I must be looking at this incorrectly, because that's not what I'm seeing? What i see is a failed ball joint, that allowed the male section to rotate in an axis it shouldn't have been able to and unthread from the control rod. An assembly like that threaded at each end can't disassemble itself...
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    Southwest gets a turn in the spotlight

    Jeezus...looks like Pilot AND FO were both literally asleep at the wheel. 2200 ft low, visual approach and a/p disengaged. Had to change from 13 to 17R on go-around. You can hear the fatigue in the ATC communications. Hawaii, LaGuardia, and now this one.
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    Cirrus chute - all survive

    Just curiosity... How often has there been an engine out in a Cirrus where the conditions were amenable enough where the pilot elected to land the plane rather than deploy the chute- and were they successful? I know it's the "right thing" to let the insurance company buy the plane, but if an...
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    Van's RV-6A Down, MA
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    Small Plane Crash @ 89CA (Halter Ranch)

    Interesting...last photo in second article linked above appears to show the airplane 50 ft off to the side of the runway and parallel to it, not short of it-
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    Saberwing crash in Valdosta, GA

    How do these statistics compare to certified GA aircraft?
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    Saberwing crash in Valdosta, GA

    Do I understand this correctly, Azalea is also the rebuilder of the Corvair engine that failed?
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    Cirrus Chute - all survive

    ^^^ So you could have a prop strike, and not know it? Seems odd, but haven't been there and done that...
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    Cirrus Chute - all survive

    Well that's interesting, trying to follow... Where's the white arc stop on the 20? You'll eff the prop before the flaps?
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    Is it just me?

    Apparently, they weren't using the radar no great loss :rolleyes:
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    ANG F-15 into Canal, Oregon, 5/15/2023, no injuries

    Maintainer #1: "Hey, there's a hydraulic leak somewhere. There's fluid on the door behind the right landing gear." Maintainer #2: "Meh...let's go have a beer." Un*******believable.
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    ANG F-15 into Canal, Oregon, 5/15/2023, no injuries

    Update... swiss cheese...
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    Amazing save in a Grumman AA-1C

    This one seems cut and dried- but there's always a minuscule possibility it's a huge coinkidink and not related. If I popped the cowling and that plug was missing or hanging by the wire, there would have been no talking with the A&P. I'd be in jail for assault, or worse. Good on the OP for...
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    F35 down

    ^^^ My initial thought as well, we'd typically go "there" when an aircraft goes down shortly after refueling. But then I wrote that off rationalizing that CERTAINLY the fuel would be checked before filling the tanks on a 9-figure stealth fighter... Or not.
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    F35 down

    Pilot ejected. Bravo was the one that infamously went down last September after flying for many miles after the pilot ejected (Anyone seen our fighter jet?), as was the one that was in hover mode and bounced with the pilot ejecting in 12/22. This one had reportedly just done a...