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  1. rmciottijr

    Best Buy shopping lesson learned (N/A)

    Best Buy Sucks and I will never give them my money.
  2. rmciottijr

    Remote door lock for home

    I bet you could add a remote button to this if it is not already available. But the question is can you parents get the the button if needed. They do have remote locks with an RF transmitter like your car lock that they...
  3. rmciottijr

    New Engine or Just Heads?

    When I was landing and taxing I didn't feel a thing. As posted before I am going to see it the mechanic can do a bore-scope inspection and see if that shows anything.
  4. rmciottijr

    New Engine or Just Heads?

    Well I was not able to sit with Tom (form Wing) today but what I got form him in our first conversation was that one Cylinder has 0/80 compression and the second one had 50/80. They did not dig into the engine yet until I talked to the other members.
  5. rmciottijr

    New Engine or Just Heads?

    Well, I wanted this to be a Poll but for some reason I can not get the polls to work. if the MC could make this a poll that would be great. 1. Replace the two cylinders and hope the other last longer the 150 hr. 2. Replace the engine. Thanks
  6. rmciottijr

    New Engine or Just Heads?

    Well we just found out the we lost two cylinders in our 172H with a Continental O-300 and 150 hours until recommended TBO. At our last annual the compressions were a little low but we have not been flying much and the mechanic said they may increase a little if we fly it more. Well we put a lot...
  7. rmciottijr

    True Heros of POA

    BZ guys and like Adam said I am glad to know people like you.
  8. rmciottijr

    Hmmm... this looks like fun...

    I like how the camera guy was hiding behind the rocks when it was running up.
  9. rmciottijr

    Getting in trouble...

    Can't come here, I think I was going to be tossed out Friday night lol.
  10. rmciottijr

    First Marathon -- DONE!

    Way to go Andrew
  11. rmciottijr

    Flying the Divide

    Nice Tony great shots Kevin Shame this was posted a day to late I was stuck in TN at Tune on Friday we could of met up. It's a great airport and the people were very nice.
  12. rmciottijr

    Piper attacked my fiance
  13. rmciottijr

    My trip to KS

    I am home wooo hooo, and thanks for everyone help.
  14. rmciottijr

    My trip to KS

    Well I made it to Nashville and no I can not sing. Wish I knew of some places to go but it hard with Colby (my dog). Thanks to everyone who tried to get me home.
  15. rmciottijr

    where oh where are the charts

    No I am still here I am going to fly to TN today and Ted is going to pick me up and fly me home. Someone may be with him to take the plane back or I will get it Saturday.
  16. rmciottijr

    where oh where are the charts

    Does anyone know of a list of FBO that sell large selection of charts I know the gov. Thinned out the chart sales locations. I my need to pick up some IFR charts and I can't order them. Thanks, Bob
  17. rmciottijr

    My trip to KS

    Well, It loos like I am going to drive home I have a very important meeting on Friday that I must be at. Maybe we can get a hand off system to get me back here Hint Hint lol
  18. rmciottijr

    My trip to KS

    yea I was looking south yesterday I am going to hang out one more day then make a move via plane train or automobile.
  19. rmciottijr

    My trip to KS

    Yea I am thinking I might do that if it does not work out for tomorrow.