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  1. sshekels

    Going to Lake Elmo, MN (21D)

    Bummer Chip! I saw this too late, and after I got your number from Diana, one of my pesky clients ruined my day! Bummer I missed you! Let me know if you get back, and lunch is on me! I can't guarantee as good of burgers as Tom, though... (Or the airshow! LOL) S.
  2. sshekels

    Future options - possible features for contributing members.

    I have no problem with donating $ to help out. Two things strike me though: 1.) I DO NOT LIKE the idea of any options that make one "invisible" or in any way obscures who is here and what they are doing. Why hide if you have nothing to hide? 2.) Any thought to running this on the "cheap?"...
  3. sshekels

    Future options - possible features for contributing members.

    In round numbers, what sort of cash do you expect to need to keep this running per month? An order of magnitude will help define the issue.
  4. sshekels


    I stopped at some small out of the way FBO at Lake Front Airport, in New Orleans last year, and while chatting up the local CFI I was idly reading the price list posted behind him: (not sure of exact prices) C152 - $79.00 C172 - $99.00 100LL - $2.49 Mile High Club - $350.00 I just about fell...
  5. sshekels

    Scary experience!!

    ya, that was the LAST time I rented that plane, and it convinced my wife to buy. Best thing that ever happened. It also made me realize that all those emergency lists drilled into you as a student stick. It was a non-event till I was on the ground, then reality hit. Fortunately it was not my...
  6. sshekels

    Scary experience!!

    Engine failure while flying with my entire family. The sound of silence is really an attention getter.
  7. sshekels

    WAC charts vs sectionals for VFR flight

    On an aside, Joe said above he got some sick sacks from the pilot shop. I always make a point of grabbing several on EVERY commercial flight I take. You'd be amazed how fast seat mates hand them over if you ask "Uh, do you mind if I take your barf bag?" LOL My friends are all trained to grab...
  8. sshekels

    Who is your favorite passenger?

    I never realized Chip was religious and had afternoon prayers! I still regret I did not have time for a ride! Gastons maybe? I hear its coming up... Everyone got reservations?!?! ;)
  9. sshekels

    Who is your favorite passenger?

    Hmm, Just wondering Diana if you find it difficult to land when Tom is watching? ;) I always botched landings when my instructor was around.... Kinda reminds me of something, but I can't quite put my finger on it..... LOL S.
  10. sshekels

    Got that sinking feeling....

    What a way to end March: ( Copied below) Residents of Dassel, Minnesota saw a strange sight on Thursday. A small airplane went through the ice on Spring Lake. The pilot, a recently laid off Northwest Airlines mechanic, was...
  11. sshekels

    How did you find your plane?

    After a particularly bad experience with the first aircraft that I primarily rented, I started renting '731. I quickly became the primary renter and flyer of her, as most people wanted the new fancy C172s at the FBO. (I wanted cheap and dependable) I had arranged to rent 731 for 10 days over a...
  12. sshekels

    Decode this metar please?

    CIG is VARIABLE CEILING, meaning variable 300 to 700 feet, and the P0016 means that there has been 0.16" of precip in the last hour. S.
  13. sshekels

    UNrecoverable Condition

    Bruce, are you thinking of Lyle Prouse? He was a NWA captain, and the FBO you may be thinking about is the one that I trained at. The folks there are some of the best people I know, and I count them as some of my best friends... Here is a link to his story...
  14. sshekels


    In furtherance of our Grand Adventure 2005, we will be flying from CLT/AVL to FFA. Anyone have any good tips on places to stop and things to see out on the banks? Also, from there we will unfortunately need to turn north (brr) - Any interesting routes in the general direction (or not so...
  15. sshekels

    Mini PoA fly-in today at Twin Oaks

    Hi! Just checking in! Finally got to a spot with reliable Internet! We had a great time seeing everyone at 08mo! VERY COOL! After we left, I asked the girls what their favorite part so far has been - Burgers at the farm and the meeting everyone there! We are currently in Asheville, NC! (Via...
  16. sshekels

    Flying over water in Single Engine Aircraft

    Hmm, I stand corrected, however a quick Google shows no hard data that I can validate, so I still am dubious... (just my opinion) What types of planes, locations, etc? I have hard time imaging a forced landing into water with fixed gear (in my case) and trying to evacuate the plane in a...
  17. sshekels

    Flying over water in Single Engine Aircraft

    Depends on the water - Over busy warm water, I would consider it. Over a large cold body of water, I don't think I would do it. I guess its a personal choice. How often has your engine quit over land? It does not know it's over water, so its the same odds. The rub is _if it dies_ you are SOL...
  18. sshekels

    additional headset?

    Rudy - Send me your mailing info via PM, and I'll drop it in the mail. Its at a cabin, so it'll take me a few days to go get it. S.
  19. sshekels

    additional headset?

    They also make a cheap "splitter" for headsets that works pretty well. I used one before I re-did the intercom in my C172. Its a nice cheap solution. I have one kicking around if you'd like it. Its been gathering dust for a while, and I doubt I'll ever use it again.... S.
  20. sshekels

    Companion Emergency Checklist

    They sure do around here! I accidentally dialed in 121.5 INSTEAD of 121.05 (dep) and asked for flight following. That ended up being one odd conversation. Fortunately the person on freq. was VERY nice and laughed off my stupidity! LOL