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  1. ErikU

    Wow, Morphine is kinda fun

    hmm.. I was wide awake with no drugs at all for my colonoscopy... I suppose I could have gone flying as soon as I was done.. but it was a rather humiliating experience and I just wanted to go hide.
  2. ErikU

    RC video

    One of my RC friends did the same sort of thing. I have a video of one of the early versions.. he has since improved the system quite a bit. (he works for a UAV company) I could lay down in the back of his truck with the goggles and fly the plane. After a little bit I was quite comfortable...
  3. ErikU

    Greece not grease

    I'd say that you know about the major tourist spots.. and they are pretty touristy, but worth doing once. One of my best days there I took the subway/train to the port city of Piraeus, then transferred to the tram that runs south down the coast. It was beautiful and relaxing once you get out...
  4. ErikU

    Don't hit the powerlines!!

    Maybe it is for tall boats that could clear the bridge but not the lines.
  5. ErikU

    hmm... guess I won't be flying anymore

    Well... I will admit that the bonanza rules in cross winds. For some reason I make better landnings in strong cross winds!
  6. ErikU

    hmm... guess I won't be flying anymore

    I'm going to stick my neck out here and disagree with much of what has been said. I know everyone here, including the original poster, has a passion for flight, so I understand why we would have a tough time telling someone it's ok to give it up... We have all read accident reports that lead...
  7. ErikU

    Student Confidence

    I think your feelings are pretty normal, we have all been there. Just like landings, some day it will just click and you will feel much better.
  8. ErikU

    Pirep - Headsets, Inc. ANR Conversion

    Excellent! I was considering another Bose X for the passeneger,.. but I think I like your way better.
  9. ErikU

    Building Confidence - Gusty conditions

    Take small steps, but remember this.. you can always go around.. (and around and around) until it feels right to you. Even as a 1000hr+ pilot, I get in conditions that stretch my abilities and I just tell myself "I can always go around". It helps to know that,.. and to be ready to practice that.
  10. ErikU

    Work full time and go to flight school?

    I'm sure that most of us here had full-time jobs when we went to flight school. Unless you are taking out a giant (and crazy) loan, you would need a full time job to learn how to fly. It sounds to me like you are doing it exactly right. Stick with the job, and stick with the flying. You...
  11. ErikU

    Mode-S and ADS-B

    Ok, like I said, the landing fee issue is another story for another thread. Believe me, I am very active in making this go away. The ASN volunteer is on the board. I didn't want to get in to the whole landing fee thing in this thread, but I can point you to a local forum with all the info...
  12. ErikU

    Mode-S and ADS-B

    Here is something to ponder... My airport (Boeing Field, a 100% GA airport) has recently started charging landing fees to ALL non-based aircraft. As you can imagine, this has caused quite an uproar with the pilot community (another story for another thread). I have been attending the airport...
  13. ErikU

    umm... "holding pattern"

    Ok, I might be willing to concede to the video link,.. but a newspaper article? I never would consider a newspaper to be offensive.. even the Daily Mail.
  14. ErikU

    umm... "holding pattern"

    After reading my link and looking at the stills,.. I think it's obvious what the video would contain.
  15. ErikU

    umm... "holding pattern"
  16. ErikU

    GX-50/60 GPS Programming

    It's been a few years,.. but I seem to remember.. Press direct to... enter your airport. Press select, and load the approach.
  17. ErikU

    GNS 430W obstacle/terrain data card

    Why would you need to update your terrain database? The terrain doesn't move. The towers rarely move, and honestly, if you are worried about towers than you are probably too low!
  18. ErikU

    Death grip and students

    I like the idea of covering the mouth and nose, they would let go just to move your hands! Though this wouldn't help with a death grip,.. my instrument instructor finally took to whacking my arm with a rolled up newspaper when I failed to close the cowl flaps time and time again... also when...
  19. ErikU

    Enter partnership?

    I have been in a 4 way partnership in a Bonanza for about 10 years, and am generally very happy with it. Honestly, even with 4 of us, it is almost always available to fly. There is no way I could afford such a nice plane any other way. Even though the 210 is more plane than you were counting on...
  20. ErikU


    I have some work in Orlando in March and have never been to that part of the country (I'm in Seattle). I would like to take a few extra days end perhaps explore the Bahamas from the air. Is that feasible? Any suggestions on where I could rent from? Does anyone rent a Bonanza down there...