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  1. oregonboy109

    rumor: no Ipad update this week

    Ipad base storage got bumped from 16gb to 32gb with no price increase. I'll take it since 16gb was way too small. Not really excited about the 7. I'll stick to my Samsung Note 5 which isn't the one that catches on fire...
  2. oregonboy109

    rumor: no Ipad update this week

    I'm looking to get an Ipad this holiday season so I'm watching closely to see what, if anything, they come out with today. If nothing new comes along an Ipad Air 2 should do the job and hopefully it'll be on sale this Christmas. The pro is overkill for what I need.
  3. oregonboy109

    Anyone else following the young pilot in the FB groups? PPL to 777 in 3 months?

    Wow. Just read through the posts on the AOPA Members FB page...yikes
  4. oregonboy109

    Lets talk weather apps

    AWC, AOPA FlyQ, and Avia.
  5. oregonboy109


    5 Guys is my go to. Never had a bad burger and the Cajun fries are awesome. It is a bit pricey though.
  6. oregonboy109

    Which plane to fly?

    I'd go with DA20 or the 172N. Man those prices are high though. I'll be paying $131 for a G1000 172 at UND and the 172N I currently rent is $115. It's good you have a nice variety to choose from though. I'm not sure the G1000 is worth the premium unless you know it'll be needed in future jobs...
  7. oregonboy109

    Any "advanced" simmers in here?

    Very cool! I had xplane for a while (until my old computer couldn't take it anymore) but nothing as high quality as this. Thanks for sharing!
  8. oregonboy109

    Proficiency ?

    18 hours over two years isn't enough to be proficient imo. I'd take a CFI if going up after flying that infrequently.
  9. oregonboy109

    Flight Following question

    I agree with the above posters. If you've been given an altitude restriction ask for permission to start your decent. If they've just said "maintain VFR at or below 3500" or something similar than it isn't required but it's a good thing to jet give them a heads-up. When in doubt ask.
  10. oregonboy109

    Plane crash just posted by local news in Ohio on Facebook. :(

    Hope everyone on board made it out ok. Was just flying and the weather is great, will be interesting to see the cause. Always hate to see any crash but those close to home hit especially hard.
  11. oregonboy109

    What plane to buy for 300m twice weekly commute?

    I second the Saratoga recommendation above. Family of 4 plus bags and dogs, as stated in the op, will probably appreciate the room in the Saratoga cabin and the speed gain from retract vs Cherokee 6 would help with the commute as well. My $0.02.
  12. oregonboy109

    172 airspeed base to final?

    65-70 knots
  13. oregonboy109

    PNP - flying cats

    Thanks for sharing! PNP is an awesome cause.
  14. oregonboy109

    Drones again...

    Here's my take on drone regs... It's idiots like the folks in the above article, or the ones that fly drones in restricted airspace over wildfires or prisons or Washington DC or under the approach paths of major airports that make me think its only a matter of time before one of this near...
  15. oregonboy109

    Someone's going to be an airline pilot!

    Really enjoying this thread, keep it up! Good luck tomorrow. Is that a 737 btw?
  16. oregonboy109

    Millennium Phenom paint job

    ANA has done this Star Wars paint on one of their 787s...pretty cool imo
  17. oregonboy109

    Pilot shortage once again....

    Barring a 911 style terror attack or a major recession the pilot/pay/people wiling to work for low pay/whatever shortage is only going to get worse over the next 5-10 years. I saw somewhere that more pilots are retiring in the next 5-10 years then there are pilots at the regionals currently...
  18. oregonboy109

    WrightPatterson AF museum

    They built a new hangar and I believe all the planes over in the presidential hangar have been moved to the new hangar attached to the others.
  19. oregonboy109

    Another Cirrus down, 6-18-2016

    I was just going to say that. Glad all three got out alive.
  20. oregonboy109

    Cessna 150 - Deal or No Deal?

    Nice plane. Love a good 150.