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  1. G


    Another worrisome side effect is photosensitivity. This can result is a tendency to get sunburn or rashes when exposed to UV light which can happen when flying. Minocin may cause sun sensitivity (photosensitivity), which could lead to sunburns. Avoid sun exposure and the use of sunlamps or...
  2. G

    2014 hottest year on record

    We really don't. Why won't it be an improvement? Maybe better in some places and worse in others. How do we decide what is ideal, good, bad for any given location? I am suspicious of those who can't predict the actual change but insist things will be worse. That seems more like religious dogma...
  3. G

    2014 hottest year on record

    The predictions of the green doomsayer prophets have turned out wrong time after time. Why should I believe them now? Very few things are beyond arguable, besides this is just a variant of the straw man. For all practical purposes, climate is just weather over the longer term for any given...
  4. G

    2014 hottest year on record

    It is possible that hydrocarbons can be created by a geologic process. The carbon was there from the beginning. How it became "fossil" fuel is debatable. I think there was way too much oil to be created exclusively from dead dinosaurs. Scientists have debated for years whether some of these...
  5. G

    2014 hottest year on record

    Even if we accept this (really a faith based assumption) do we understand the system enough to predict the effects of altered activity? (see post above)
  6. G

    2014 hottest year on record

    Why? What will be the effect of all the expense and inconvenience of implementing "green" change? Is this to be a symbolic ritual or will it result in objective improvement? If they can't predict the weather a month in advance with current activities how can we predict what will happen if we all...
  7. G

    I Bought a Snow Blower

    The little bitty red one might work for my back deck or front porch. I love watching how far a good two stage snowblower throws snow.
  8. G

    2014 hottest year on record

    Really? What is your evidence that I fit into either of those categories? I believe that the term "denier" is only used by those who are anti-science as this implies that the subject is under consideration is completely understood and that is clearly not the case with climate science.
  9. G

    I Bought a Snow Blower

    That's not practical in the Upper Michigan snow belt. We get way too much snow, usually between 200 to 300 inches annually. There might be some cracking but but that's a fact of life here. A thin lawyer of packed snow or ice reduces wear of the snowblower skids compared to concrete.
  10. G

    2014 hottest year on record

    I don't agree. Sorry.
  11. G

    I Bought a Snow Blower

    Why? There's always some snow on my driveway. I just need to be able to drive on it without getting stuck.
  12. G

    I Bought a Snow Blower

    Sure beats shoveling.
  13. G

    I Bought a Snow Blower

    Your Husky should do fine. If you let wet heavy snow get too deep it will be a problem for ant snowblower. It's not uncommon here to need to do a run two or three times in a single day.
  14. G

    I Bought a Snow Blower

    Seems like a reasonable choice Rich. Here in real snow country Ariens push snowblowers are the most popular. I have a 30" push Ariens and a Husqvarna garden tractor with 40" Berco snow blower attachment. The Ariens will handle deeper snow. I like the idea of track drive but nobody here has them...
  15. G

    Pigs Can't Fly

    I know what you are talking about. Many people are proud of their illnesses, real or imagined. They also expect others to kowtow to their whims. For some it is the only way they can feel special. There is no shortage of people with service animals who fit into this category.
  16. G

    Pigs Can't Fly

    Most allergies are over greatly reported. Unfortunately, there are a few severely allergic people out there. They get in trouble when they eat something that has peanuts that they did not know contained peanuts. Deaths from peanut allergy are rare enough that they frequently make national news...
  17. G


    I think minocycline is commonly used to treat rosacea which is a chronic skin condition so it is not necessarily a typical bacterial infection being treated with this medication.
  18. G

    What's the future for Cirrus?

    Good. Then you will have no trouble providing a detailed accounting of how that number was derived. The SR22 is a fairly high performance aircraft that does not forgive sub par airmanship. Maybe they should also have a fleet of more docile aircraft like 172s or Diamond DA40s so pilots can...
  19. G

    What's the future for Cirrus?

    Really? How did you arrive at that number?
  20. G

    Flagrant Stadium TFR violation

    We have had one of those for a while. War Eagle!