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  1. F

    Neuropsychological Tests

    this is the best summary I have read of the experience
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    Do's and don'ts

    Even though our society celebrates and encourages substance abuse, including SSRI's and other legal medications, they throw all those hedonistic indulgences out the window when it comes to aircraft drivers. And all that talk about sharing feelings, even the sad, bad ones? Keep them to...
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    Return to flying after heart attack?

    my experience was about 18 months for third class SI. No SI gets done in 3 months from what I gathered reading posts here. A simple request for a document, receipt, then processed for review can add three months alone! Don't start it until you are ready for a battle to the death or victory.
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    Unreported allergy shot

    I took allergy shots for 5 years, never thought to report them on my third class. I took a break from flying, got sent into an SI situation and when I sent in the pharmacy records they noticed my old allergy shots and just tacked on a condition to not fly within 24 hrs of a shot. No big deal...
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    If I get a letter from AAM-300 and it’s a denial will they change my status in MedExpress?

    I went for my Basic Med immediately after I got my SI renewal, and before it expired. It gave the physician peace of mind that I was safe to sign off if the FAA had just said the same.
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    If I get a letter from AAM-300 and it’s a denial will they change my status in MedExpress?

    I have a conditioned fear of certified mail with green stickers now. And anything whatsoever from the IRS to boot!
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    ADHD COGSCREEN advice? - Houston Area

    my CogScreen examiner reminded me that I should retain a copy of my results so in the future my family can assess if I am in cognitive decline as I get old! That's real fun to contemplate....
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    ADHD COGSCREEN advice? - Houston Area

    Those strings of numbers backwards and forwards are hard if you go in cold! Definitely something you can practice beforehand.
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    FAA requesting more info regarding previous DUI arrest

    The PPS was not very motivated or helpful for me; at least not with something as serious as loss of medical. I found a great aviation law firm that I loved and succeeded in getting a favorable outcome .Would be happy to provide their contact info.
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    FAA Airmen Inquiry Shows Renewed SI, but “In Review” with FAA

    I had the experience of seeing my SI renewal approved like you did in the database; then I got another green sticker letter with a whole new line of inquiry causing 9 more months of delay. Someone apparently had overlooked a notation in doctors notes the first time. After that yo-yo of...
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    Missing Plane Paris, Texas

    In light of recent talk about evolution in thinking on mental health by the FAA, I saw this and my heart sank. Will this freeze up the wheels of progress or accelerate positive change at OKC?
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    Is there any benefit to calling the AMCD periodically while cert is under review?

    I was told on my second call after months had elapsed that it would get flagged for quicker attention or something. Made me feel better, could've been a song and dance as far as I know!
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    Medical issue

    I have a good one to recommend also; message me if you'd like their info.
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    Help - FAA Medical Certification Denied

    Maybe call the new rule toke to yoke? Or THC to IMC?
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    Wit's End [NA]

    From a sociological standpoint, you could put healthy fresh produce stands selling cheaply in most urban areas and they would drive past them to McDonald's or the 7-11. Obesity is a perverted form of western affluence where the poor are obese and the rich are thin.
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    Class 2 with Felony Conviction

    Maybe the FAA will have to relax standards like the military did regarding tattoos to meet recruiting numbers. As they try and cast a wider net for more diverse pilots they might run into the felony/drug/firearm/medical hurdle more often?
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    Same here. Suffered incredibly in spring and fall for a decade, plus cats, dogs, horses mold, dust etc. Did the shots and now my immune system only suffers on high allergen days and when in musty houses. It's a real chore getting up to maintenance dose but the quality of life is worth it.
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    HIMS **** quizzes, and NyQuil

    I heavily used NyQuil throat spray within 36 hours of an unexpected ten panel etG, etS and it didn't show up. It did worry me, though.
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    SI renewal turns into alcohol history inquiry

    THIS exactly. On intake appointment, scribbled down the page after all the depression and anxiety verbiage was "ETOH Abuse" off to the side. That was missed by me, and apparently by OKC on their approval of my first SI. They saw it 6 months later when I (stupidly) renewed the...
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    SI renewal turns into alcohol history inquiry

    UPDATE: I got my SI medical for anxiety/depression SSRI renewed, let it time out and am now on Basic Med. I hired an aviation attorney. They helped me write my personal statement which I feel was key in receiving a favorable outcome. For my situation, they only required a CogScreen AE from a...