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  1. M

    Aero Commander 200D down at KDVO

    You're right, it was a different article.
  2. M

    Aero Commander 200D down at KDVO Sounds like they never got off the ground before veering into a hangar. One fatality. RIP.
  3. M

    Teardrop Entry

    He was saying that the turn into the 45 for the downwind was a chance to do a steep turn. Why is that stupid? That's literally the FAA recommended entry when approaching from the opposite side of the pattern.
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    Stepped in KRAP

    I'm not sure if this is a legit lessons learned or not, but I definitely learned a lesson. Approaching KRAP from the east, about 4 miles south of field heading roughly due west. Winds are favoring 32, although they're light and I could have probably taken 23 just fine. It's pretty busy, there...
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    Teardrop Entry

    It's crazy that you have 10,035 posts of bitching, moaning and calling other people names. I don't get it and you must really be a miserable. It's an accepted and recommended entry. You can go ahead and call the FAA stupid for recommending it if you'd like, but why another pilot and member...
  6. M

    First plane? Archer, Arrow, etc. any recommendations

    I just bought a 1972 Arrow last year on an ink still wet PPL. Came with a 300hr reman engine done in 2019, dual G5s, Avidyne 540, new audio panel and transponder, ADSB in/out. $150K out the door. The only "upgrade" I have decided to do since was a GFC 500. I can't imagine it needing anything...
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    IFR and cost and future plans

    Insurance rate definitely reflected in my low time when I bought my Arrow, but they only required 15 hours dual (I had 52 hours when I bought and zero retract) last year. I used the 15 hours to get complex and hood time. Facts. I had to have my beacon replaced earlier this year and the LED...
  8. M

    Why does POA call it a PPL, when it is a Certificate?

    Isn't this the same organization that says my limitation to my certificate is that I'm English proficient? PPL, PPC, whatever you want to call it, if you have one go flying.
  9. M

    Opinion on Plane Purchase

    Your ship's battery will give you enough radio time to talk to ATC (I also carry a handheld) and the AIs have a backup battery that is supposed to last about an hour. To the OP, I wouldn't be too concerned about owners dumping cash into a plane. You see it all the time and as long as...
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    Cessna 172 and PA-28-140 - over the dash visibility on the ground

    I did my PPL in a 172 and bought a PA-28. At 5'8", I don't have a problem with forward visibility on the ground or while flying straight and level. I use(d) a cushion in both because I couldn't see over the nose when flaring without one (and didn't have fancy adjustable seats). They seem...
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    ForeFlight versions

    I used Basic as a student and then after PPL until I bought a plane. I moved to Perf Plus after becoming an owner. I find the prebuilt performance profiles are pretty accurate, which makes flight planning/fuel management stupid easy. Weather profile is snazzy. I use it in the cockpit too...
  12. M

    7/24/24 Ogden, UT area crash landing (video)

    I wonder if they reported how much fuel they started with. The flight was probably close to 2 hours when you add everything up to the 90ish minutes of ADS-B.
  13. M

    Sovereign Citizen nearly causes midair

    I mean, he didn't have a commercial certificate, so he couldn't be engaged in commerce. He was simply traveling in his air conveyance.
  14. M

    Bonanza down at Long Island Airport

    I've seen a lot of the blah blahs about regulatory requirements, insurance, liability, etc. I get the economies of scale angle, but still the prices are insane for what you get. That made me wonder though, has anyone ever gone after Lycoming after a loss of power/powerplant caused a crash...
  15. M

    Bonanza down at Long Island Airport

    LOL, yep. Twice coming to a corner where the building blocks the view around. One wasn't too bad. One knocked me on my rear. Third was from behind as they tried to negotiate around another pedestrian and clipped me. That one was particularly annoying because there was a bike lane on the...
  16. M

    Bonanza down at Long Island Airport

    I think everything is sensationalized on the internet nowadays. The good, the bad, the ugly. I personally read all of these reports, subscribe to Aviation Safety and read all the reports, watched every episode of Air Disasters. There is so much that can be learned from every incident. Many...
  17. M

    Drone at 1000 feet in the San Francisco Bay Area

    This prohibits use of ADS-B transmissions and also operating a transponder (different subpart)
  18. M

    Which single line checklist items, when missed, could lead to a crash?

    Wow. Rest in peace, but what terrible accident. A 5000' runway should be plenty to abort your takeoff after you don't see the airspeed moving. I would think any PPL should be able to land safely if you have an inflight pitot issue, but to take off without once looking at airspeed is...
  19. M

    Sumping fuel in the desert/preflight checklists?

    I use a GATS jar, so it goes back into the tank. I was taught to dump it on the ramp, which seems to not help general aviation's reputation.
  20. M

    Sumping fuel in the desert/preflight checklists?

    My 2 cents is it matters a bit whether this is a owned or rental plane. I personally follow a flow and sump each day and after fueling. If I'm stopping somewhere, I do a quick walk around and wouldn't sump on subsequent flights. I also have a good idea where my plane has been, who maintains...