Search results

  1. t0r0nad0

    Continental and United to Announce Merger.

    And the regionals fly to Mexico and Latin America quite a bit from IAH.
  2. t0r0nad0

    The difference in adding a person to the backseat

    Jim - welcome to POA. Glad to see that you asked your question and are getting plenty of answers here.
  3. t0r0nad0

    Tour of Universal Weather Last Night

    (Cross-posted from Last night, I arranged for my Intro to Air Navigation class to take a tour of Universal Weather, near Hobby Airport. I didn't realize before how huge this place was or how much they did! Unfortunately, I have no pictures as cameras were not allowed, but...
  4. t0r0nad0

    Houston DWHooks (DWH)?

    No worries. I'll catch you the next time around. Let me know if you need suggestions for places to take them, etc. Have fun!
  5. t0r0nad0

    Help Us Develop Packages for Pilots

    Mmm... Chris Madrid's - I just got to experience them back in January... one of the best burgers I've ever had. I think adding a Blue Bell Ice Cream counter would be a great idea. Blue Bell is headquartered in Brenham, TX (between Houston & Austin), but it is considered by many to be THE...
  6. t0r0nad0

    Houston DWHooks (DWH)?

    Lance, What everyone above has said is correct. DWH is a good, privately owned, GA field. Drew Coats moonlights as the president/curator of the museum (BTW Spike, it was his plane I was climbing into that day you met me at the museum), and he is an aviation lawyer by day with a hangar/law...
  7. t0r0nad0

    Airport Rant/mom needs help

    Tristan, I too am very sorry to hear about this situation. I know that you said you went to AOPA for help, but didn't get any. What level of AOPA did you go to? Did you try the local ASN volunteer, or did you go higher? Has the current airport's land already been sold? If not, would it...
  8. t0r0nad0

    Your Summer Flying Plans

    My plans: - Fly the raffle plane to as many Fly-ins and airshows as I can. - Take a flight in Hawaii while I'm there in June. - Get some G1000 time. - Maybe start on the IR, but not bloody likely as I have to save money for my wedding next March.
  9. t0r0nad0

    Flights to remember

    Tristan, that is an awesome story. I'm so glad you were able to do that for them, and going beyond by giving them the Blue Angels was just incredible. You, like so many others on this board, are a true class act, and I look forward to being able to meet you and shake your hand in person someday.
  10. t0r0nad0

    Wings & Wheels at the 1940 Air Terminal Museum

    More upcoming Wings & Wheels events: Saturday, April 17, 2010 - Wings & Wheels - Women in Aviation Day and Cessna Day, Take Two! Join us for this Wings & Wheels day as we salute all of the women who have contributed to the field of aviation over the years. We will have representatives from...
  11. t0r0nad0

    Trip to Port Aransas

    That's right. I'd heard that they were going to put in self-serve pumps when they build the new hangars... I didn't realize they were open yet. Very cool and good to know that they have a decent price!
  12. t0r0nad0

    Trip to Port Aransas

    SGR has self-serve now? Used to be it was just off the truck. I fly single pistons myself, and I learned to fly at SGR. Therefore, I never actually flew in to the FBO myself, I'm just going by what people were told at the monthly FAA Safety Seminars they hold there. Any time I've actually...
  13. t0r0nad0

    Trip to Port Aransas

    Actually, $3.85 is not bad for SGR... that's almost as good as self serve up at Hooks (DWH)! I wasn't aware that the ramp fee is waived for only 5 gals. That makes me feel a lot better about going there. Not sure what the current price is at IWS. I just know that whenever we take the...
  14. t0r0nad0

    Trip to Port Aransas

    FYI, SGR does charge a ramp fee and gas is a bit more expensive. I'd suggest using IWS instead to pick up passengers - only about 20 mins away from SGR by car, no ramp fees, and the cheapest avgas in Houston if you go on a Saturday.
  15. t0r0nad0

    BBQ tastes better with friends

    Well, HOU is right up his alley, then! Unless 7000ft. is not enough!
  16. t0r0nad0

    BBQ tastes better with friends

    Dave, you'll have to bring the P-Baron to HOU for Beechcraft Day on May 15!
  17. t0r0nad0

    Maj Ly Bung landing O-1 Bird Dog on Midway

    Funny that this just got posted... Last week, I happened to be in San Diego on business and had some extra time last Tuesday afternoon, so I toured the USS Midway. Suspended from the ceiling above the hangar deck was a Bird Dog. I didn't think much of it - I was kind of in a hurry to try to...
  18. t0r0nad0

    Hello all

    Welcome! What part of Texas are you from?
  19. t0r0nad0

    Trip to Port Aransas

    You shouldn't need to do anything for the ADIZ as long as you stay on the land side of things. Even making a pattern over the water when approaching the airport won't bring you anywhere near the ADIZ. If you want, you can always get Flight Following, just to be on the safe side. BTW - watch...
  20. t0r0nad0

    New to the site!

    Thanks for the intro Spike! Ruthless, welcome to the board! Spike is correct, I volunteer at the museum at Hobby and I learned to fly at DWH & SGR. Now, I mainly fly the museum's raffle plane out of HOU. I suggest you check out and to meet some...