Search results

  1. glpilot

    Windy & Gusting Conditions

    Well, taking a quick look at it says Saturday W 24 mph. Dunno if it will be good for much of a cross wind work since we have runway 25 coming at the home field. But I may run down to the airfield at lunch and see if a CFI/Aircraft are available at a time I can get there and see about...
  2. glpilot

    Small Plane Crash Caught On Tape

    I saw this when I went and read the thread here titled "Just havin' a little fun - The Pinnacle Crash..." There was a link on that story that lead me to this: Theres also a video which after watching making you "think"...
  3. glpilot

    Threading the needle (whew!)

    ;) Theres a pilot that should say a thank you, say a prayer, be happy to be on the ground, and put oil in the engine before take off!
  4. glpilot

    What in the heck is this?

    If airports are going to do that, there is NO WAY it should NOT BE in the AFD. They should not be able to just spring that on you. This might be a good reason to give AOPA a call and just ask someone there. They might even spring into action!
  5. glpilot

    Windy & Gusting Conditions

    I go flying at the minimum one time a month right now. Schedule, weather, finances, life all affect the decision. So I understand on that particular day where the wind may influence your decision and keep you on the ground. In essence a PRISONER OF THE WIND. I'm definitely going to grab CFI one...
  6. glpilot

    Gusts with no AWOS

    That is just incredible. I would pay to see a video of that :dance:
  7. glpilot

    Windy & Gusting Conditions

    This came to mind today as I was checking the weather from my desk at work. (Yes I know, very busy where I work ;)) Below are METARs from some of the local airports. (I rent out of LZU) KWDR 082240Z AUTO 32014G19KT 267V337 10SM CLR 07/M05 A2988 RMK AO1 KPDK 082153Z 32015G21KT 10SM CLR 08/M06...
  8. glpilot

    Rental rates.

    Those are darn good rates! Where I rent I usually take the R models @ $99 wet, but during my PP training I flew the older/cheaper skyhawk models to save. Heres our link: The arrow is gone due to damaged gear, guess it was not worth fixing when it...
  9. glpilot

    Ground looping a cherokee 140?

    Glad you all were OK and able to tell the story. NOTE TO SELF, be aware of where your feet are on the rudder pedals. Picture worth a 1000 words.
  10. glpilot

    A laptop, a webcam, and a Piper...

    I dig all video footage :-)
  11. glpilot

    Bob's IFR Adventure (long)

    Bob, great read. As someone in the early stages of IFR training (As in, chapter 2 and second training CD :mad: ) that type of story gets you fired up to push through. I look forward to becoming more proficient and getting to play with the IFR crowd. On another note, I swear I have seen your...
  12. glpilot

    3rd class med exam

    Hi Herb, its me George, we spoke on the phone today. Get yourself checked out and situated so we can get together in the future to fly out and see Mark somewhere! GOOD LUCK WITH THE MEDICAL! :blueplane:
  13. glpilot

    Which airport

    I have seen pictures other pilots have taken of that 3 mile runway. But I always wondered, how is it you are allowed to fly that close? Unless I am missing something. I never looked up that area on a sectional so I don't know if there are restrictions.
  14. glpilot

    IFR X-C coming up!

    Good Show Watson! You beat me to the request. YES - I would be interested in hearing about this 3000 NM adventure with a bit more detail. It sounds like an awesome experience. I used to follow this person that flew his mooney to each state in the continental U.S. landing at only small...
  15. glpilot

    Bookmark POA

    Yes, I will then click new posts. See what's going on there and jump to a thread of interest. Sometimes off the front home page I may scroll to the bottom first and see if theres something of interest I want to click on right then and there. Also check out whats new in the top news section...
  16. glpilot

    Bookmark POA

    As soon as I type in "pi" in my browser address box pops up, I tap enter and Im here! :blueplane:
  17. glpilot

    Cloud flying video

    I just got the DVD from a friend of mine that flew with me last month. He filmed, and we had a great time that day. He has some learning to do. Parts are good, others are bouncing all over the place (mainly due to excessive zoom) but fun to watch none the less. Your video looks like Hollywood...
  18. glpilot

    Decode this METAR's Remarks

    This is the part that always gets me. I looked it up in my aviation weather handbook in the past :( , but heck if I ever remember what it is.
  19. glpilot

    Helpful co-pilots

    Not on those R models I rent.
  20. glpilot

    Pilots with Color Vision Restriction

    Mike, I doubt it. You either have it, or you don't. Not a great club to be a member of if you are an aviator.