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  1. Jdm

    There has got to be a better way?

    This is my favorite way to oil pulleys: Makes it super easy to reach the hard places and also eliminates overspray mess. You’ll find all sorts of uses for this pulley oiler! For the LPS cans try this...
  2. Jdm

    Carbed Lycoming Starting Issue

    I know you’re right, and I just noticed that he already has a new starter, so it’s probably not that. I’m still thinking it’s a mag gap problem, but cranking speed can be deceiving. I’ve had engines that I thought was turning over good but they were not. With a voltage issue it can be insidious...
  3. Jdm

    Carbed Lycoming Starting Issue

    Magman beat me to it. I’m thinking an Egap issue. Check the timing. I’ve started making log entries for advance and retard adjustments. This way I’ll know if it’s walking off one way or the other over time. Voltage drops, like Bell described, is also super likely. Not uncommon to have both...
  4. Jdm

    Slick Mag Alert

    That’s a great question. No I haven’t. Only bc the mag shop is handling it. I just removed the mags and reinstalled. They did the original OH, and the warranty repair. They are tracking the dates, recalling the affected points, and working with the manufacturers. Sounds to me like there’s a lot...
  5. Jdm

    Slick Mag Alert

    Sorry for any confusion. This started out as a thread about Slicks and progressed into a Bendix comparison, followed by a Bendix AD situation. For clarification: -The new AD can be referenced as provided. It affects Bendix 1200 mags and involves a lack of grease problem. -The loose rivet...
  6. Jdm

    Slick Mag Alert

    Check your timing often! I can’t emphasize this enough. It’s the only way to see this failure coming. If it’s off more than a couple degrees yank the mag immediately for inspection.
  7. Jdm

    Slick Mag Alert

    Here’s pics of the loose rivet causing failure. 2 out of the four mags checked were bad. One had totally failed. Get ready for yet another well needed AD.
  8. Jdm

    Owner maintenance / painting wing tips

    Not exactly. There’s no order. You can be hit with a civil suit regardless of FAA infraction, even if the FAA clears you of all wrong doing. Just look at O.J. Works kinda the same way. He was a football player who latter turned felon. Probably before your time.
  9. Jdm

    Slick Mag Alert

    Yep, and I hate that. There’s going to be a lot of illegal operations with this one.
  10. Jdm

    Slick Mag Alert

    Correct, it’s the 1200 mags. They came out with a SB back around Jan that addressed this. Involves placing a stamp on the data tag once the SB’s been completed. Then the SB was revised a few times for something or another. Now the FAA issues the AD to ensure compliance. If the SB had been...
  11. Jdm

    Apparent tachometer cable issue, what is possible/legal in the meantime before it is fixed ?

    Did you not see the Dan’s post? He clearly gave you a reference from the Instruments and Instrument Systems chapter of a 172 MM. He actually pasted a chunk of the 172 manual that address it. It’s also noted in the troubleshooting section of the same manual. You’ll find references for this in a...
  12. Jdm

    Slick Mag Alert

    New mag AD effective 8/15/22. A few SBs were issued prior. The AD will allow credit if the SBs were complied with previously.
  13. Jdm

    Apparent tachometer cable issue, what is possible/legal in the meantime before it is fixed ?

    I tried that once, per the directions. It checked properly against the light.
  14. Jdm

    Apparent tachometer cable issue, what is possible/legal in the meantime before it is fixed ?

    I have the TruTach2. Apparently it’s very accurate but I have no way to know for sure. Every time I use it I find discrepancies between the airplane’s tach and the TruTach2. Usually about 100 RPM difference at cruise power. It’d be interesting to check it against a digital tachometer.
  15. Jdm

    Apparent tachometer cable issue, what is possible/legal in the meantime before it is fixed ?

    You are probably right, but I’ve had them do some strange stuff when a cable starts binding. I think, and this is pure speculation, that the cable begins binding, which causes the bouncing needle. It then twists internally and shortens enough to pull itself away from the tach just enough to not...
  16. Jdm

    Slick Mag Alert

    EXACTLY!!! Now they are having a different problem with the spark plug nose ceramic cracking, and even getting into the cylinders. Numerous accounts of the new problem surfacing on the internet. One mag shop is activity advising it’s customers to stay away from champion plugs until it’s...
  17. Jdm

    Apparent tachometer cable issue, what is possible/legal in the meantime before it is fixed ?

    Hopefully the mechanic on the field can clean and lube the cable as mentioned before. It’s a 30 min job and will very likely get you home. If not, he can proceed with simple troubleshooting that will quickly determine the problem. I can’t begin to count how many times I’ve corrected problems...
  18. Jdm

    Damage History - What would you do?

    Ugh, let me think.. There’re priced the same right? I guess since there’s no logbook entry I’ll take the one with crash damage history please. Hehe:)
  19. Jdm

    Apparent tachometer cable issue, what is possible/legal in the meantime before it is fixed ?

    You’re probably going to find that the electric tach will need STC paperwork completed. If your A&P is also an IA he can take care of that. If not, he’ll probably have an IA who can help with that.
  20. Jdm

    ISO A&P for Pre-buy on Cessna 170A: Fayetteville, Raleigh, Charlotte

    Magman is correct about the logs. I’ve done a number of prebuys that didn't make it past the logbook check. I normally spend about half a day or so going over the books before even looking at the airplane. On the other hand, most of the ones that pass the records check tend to pass the prebuy...