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  1. jhausch

    Visiting Nordic Countries (Norway/Sweden/Finland)

    Very interesting thread... The bride and I are considering a euro delivery of a Volvo and Scandinavia tour for our 20th in 2022. I hope this thread continues for a while. We thought the savings for the car would be the major expense... Sounds like we need a separate and generous account...
  2. jhausch

    Personal bucket list flight today

    Great story and pic. Very cool.
  3. jhausch

    Need Some Advice Re New Co-Ownership and Insurance

    Sort of late to the game, but an insurance broker once explained this to me. Here is our exchange.... A later reply Hope this helps.
  4. jhausch

    1800 x 100 Ft Grass runway carrying 4 people 200 lbs What plane would you use?

    Pretty runway. My vote is for something with corrosion protection.
  5. jhausch

    Classical Music- Is it for Musicians only?

    For cryin out loud! It was a CAT playing a PIANO? Man are you picky... :D:D:D
  6. jhausch

    Classical Music- Is it for Musicians only?

    If it were not for Looney Tunes and other cartoons of the of that era, I'd likely have zero appreciation for it. There is no doubt that it planted seeds. I enjoy it, but am no expert. Maybe an advanced beginner when it comes to appreciation. I am not a musician. I remember this one from...
  7. jhausch

    EPA accuses Volkswagen, Audi of evading emission laws

    I recall a major appliance mfr getting caught gaming the energy tests on a fridge. If I recall correctly, they turned off the the freezer seal heater when ambient was at the temp used for the test.
  8. jhausch

    Let's talk about Wranglers - The Sequel

    What happened to the Caddy?
  9. jhausch

    HB.... David White

    Happy BD David - awesome. Are you still in Alaska?
  10. jhausch


    Great news. We tried the cancer fight and lost with Casey We seem to have gotten luckier with Cayla. Dogs... All of man's virtues and none of his vices
  11. jhausch

    This kid is amazing...Kid Shreds on Accordion

    Awesome comments with the vid, too. It's like he's got a tiny JSBach in there.....
  12. jhausch

    What is your daily use car

    2004 Honda Element, 304k miles
  13. jhausch

    Ashley Madison Leaked Data

    If I'm interpreting the leaker's statements correctly, their motivation was not the morality of adultery, but, rather, the fact that the site was mostly dudes and it did not deliver as promised. Am I following?
  14. jhausch

    Condo NY vs NJ

    That sounds great. Good luck to both of you. To the folks slamming NY and NJ I'm reminded of the Yogi Berra line: Nobody goes there any more, it's too crowded.
  15. jhausch

    Price for Gns430 non WAAS

    An avionics guy at OSH said they are still popular (non WAAS) outside the USA. Of course, a foreign transaction adds to the excitement of eBay.
  16. jhausch

    Redbird Skyport in San Marcos - anyone know what changes they're making?

    Wow. Sad news. They really made as big a play for it as they could...
  17. jhausch

    How-videos for rope tie down?

    Spectra is the bee's knees
  18. jhausch

    How-videos for rope tie down?

    That sounds like what I call (was taught, taut?) was a "Trucker's Hitch".
  19. jhausch

    How are these things legal?

  20. jhausch

    How-videos for rope tie down?

    I really like this knot. (more like a collection of a couple of knots). Really let's you reef down tight, doesn't slip, easy to untie (although the slip-knot loop used for the "pulley" can get pretty tight). I suppose if I was going to leave one tied permanently I might use a bowline for...