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  1. Morne

    Airliner Co. charging passengers by body weight

    If you believe that slender = fit then you have fallen for the worst hoax of our modern, fashion magazine obsessed society. How about you get in the ring with ANY NFL lineman who has a BMI over 40? 5 seconds later we'll need a squeegee and a hose to clean up what's left of ya.
  2. Morne

    Is unleaded avgas coming?

    Business wise but not technical wise. You're trying to shove one solution down the throat of everything from an A-65 to a TIO-541 to a TSIO-360 to a IGSO-480 to an O-320. Looking at that huge variation a multifuel strategy makes better sense. Or, perhaps a single fuel strategy with a series...
  3. Morne

    When should I begin my Decent?

    When navigating by pilotage it is useful to stay higher a little longer to be sure you ID the field prior to descending.
  4. Morne

    Is unleaded avgas coming?

    And I know there are lots of piston birds that can't get an STC. Fine and dandy. We're still going to carry 100LL Avgas for them. But for those that can, which dominates the personal/hobby/training fliers, we'll have an option that costs $1.50/gallon less. How many times do we bemoan the fuel...
  5. Morne

    Is unleaded avgas coming?

    Ted, That is supposition. Some folks are going to experiment in the 91 Octane MoGas market and see just how much (or how little) demand there really is. And you DON'T need to add a fixed tank to do that experiment. The dislocation created by a leaded fuel in an unleaded world is severe. The...
  6. Morne

    Here's the new bird

  7. Morne

    Airliner Co. charging passengers by body weight

    I'm concerned that some 170-pound weakling won't suck up enough impact energy from shrapnel flying around. Arrogant pipsqueeks like you are nothing more than sacks of blood spatter waiting to happen. This is reason # 4,326 why I have my own plane. It ain't nobody's business how much I weigh...
  8. Morne

    If flying Part 103 ultralights was your only choice, would you do it?

    Last year was my first Oshkosh. The folks at the UL runway looked like they were having an order of magnitude more fun than anyone else there. It made me lust for an UL. Maybe some day.
  9. Morne

    Glass/plastic Cleaner

    Peruse some automotive forums and you'll find a cheaper alternate. But realistically, it is aviation, dude. Ain't nuthin' cheap, here. Fuel, oil, cleaners, light bulbs, engines, you name it. About the best you can hope for is to get a can with whatever other supplies you order so you save on...
  10. Morne


    If you have a 14V system then always keep a pair of jumper cables in the plane, just like most folks do in their cars. I haven't been stranded like that but I have had a dead battery at an inconvenient time (instrument checkride). Fortunately the line guys brought out the battery cart and got...
  11. Morne

    Long Cross Country Flight Planning

    @OP, I like your original plan just fine, with a couple of tweaks. First, you're avoiding the mountains which is smart for a flatlander. They ain't the Rockies but if you cross a ridge at less than 2000' clearance on a windy day you'll learn something about flying that your flatland CFI...
  12. Morne

    Finally used my Instrument Rating

    127 Knots TAS Groundspeed was 150-ish Knots thanks to the tailwind. Climb gets pretty lethargic as you get that high. According to Flightaware ( I was averaging just under 400fpm climb before I leveled at cruise...
  13. Morne

    Finally used my Instrument Rating

    Last Thursday I had to be down at VJI for business. Getting out of my home drone, BJJ, could be done VFR but down around VJI ceilings were overcast and close to the mountain-tops. VFR, I would have had to swing wide to the west to try and find a way under the clouds where the ground is lower...
  14. Morne

    NDB approaches

    Whole bunch of irrational NDB fear here... If you are good at reading a plate and shooting an approach then there's no reason why you should be afraid of an NDB approach. The basics are the same, MSA, IAF, outbound, procedure turn, inbound, FAF, dive and drive. Where's the mystery? Sure...
  15. Morne

    Getting back in to flying and aircraft selection

    We are a bit alike. I also planned to do 500 hours in my 182 prior to upgrading (to a twin). I'm halfway there and already chomping at the bit. I wish I'd have bought a 210 in the first place. We have a guy at my home drone that has a Phenom. What an incredible personal jet. The PC-12 is...
  16. Morne

    Why Twins Aren't Safer than Singles

    Fly what you like. Bu don't take the gross stereotypes as gospel. Lots of things that would end up as NTSB reports in singles go unreported in twins. A safe OEI landing is no big deal in a twin. Further, there are answers to the Vmc rollover issue, not counting centerline thrust twins...
  17. Morne

    Wright Brothers NOT the First

    Seriously? Umm, they're dead. You could have a bonfire torching every piece of paper with their fame written on it and they're NOT going to even bat an eye.
  18. Morne

    Landing lights

    Just ordered both the landing and taxi LED lights. Also ordered the lens cover, because of course I dropped mine, cracking it, when removing it.
  19. Morne

    DUI/definition of arrest

    Please describe the juvenile offense that caused you to be NICS blocked for firearms purchasing. This may reveal a pattern of judgment.
  20. Morne

    DUI/definition of arrest

    Something that shows up on a tox screen?