Search results

  1. arnoha

    IO-540 CHT's

    Does cylinder 5 have a different CHT probe? Is that where the factory probe is/was? That 453* on 4 at the top is alarming. Weird that it's the even bank that's hotter. Isn't the cooler in front of the odd bank? Maybe a baffling problem? Nevermind, it's a Lycoming. Saw a big bore six and...
  2. arnoha

    Power Flow Exhaust and O-320 PIREP

    Yeah, this. Top speed isn't the best way to compare. Load to full gross, climb full power at Vy, see what you get on the VSI. That will make a far greater difference and an easier number to compare. The speed gain will be mostly getting to altitude faster where you can get the best TAS.
  3. arnoha

    Dual nav radios no longer needed?

    Are you talking about the GMA 345 or the GMA 350? I believe the GMA 35 is most equivalent to the GMA 350. The 345 has hard pots for volume, which look incompatible with secondary controls, but the 350 looks to only have an encoder behind the knob. I'll admit I'm still running my BK audio panel...
  4. arnoha

    Dual nav radios no longer needed?

    You don't need the remote units for that. The full panel units can also be remotely controlled by the 750. In my plane, the GTX345 is full panel, but it's completely controllable from my 750. If you've got the panel space, there's little reason to go remote.
  5. arnoha

    ADS-B install cost - what did you pay?

    One of the big ones: PCA.
  6. arnoha

    Anyone heard about turning LORAN back on in CONUS?

    There's been a few other quotes that are pretty accurate, but here's one from someone who built out a data center in 2014...we'd be fine. Very, very few things need truly tight timing. Instead, the clocks internal to the computer are set regularly against the GPS signal. (True for my data...
  7. arnoha

    Which Tower Frequency on Initial Contact?

    In my area, KRHV, KCCR, and KLVK use two frequencies at times. KSUU has two UHF frequencies. Basically, every Delta with parallel runways in the area. So it's not that uncommon. Generally, ATIS has instructions. One problem I have with the advice to call up the runway you intend to use: with a...
  8. arnoha

    Cherokee 140 wheel pants restricting access to valve stems

    It wouldn't appreciably increase the percentage of N2. The nitrogen is leaking, too, just a touch's not like the O2 seeps out completely first. By the time the tire is worn out and the tube needs to be deflated and reinflated, there would have been very little change in composition...
  9. arnoha

    Kidney Stones

    Where was that chart when I got my third class six years ago? I've had one incidence of kidney stones about 15 years ago. Painful, wouldn't want to repeat it, but it passed quickly. Had a CT at the time, but it had passed by the time I got to CT. Fast forward to getting my student pilot license...
  10. arnoha

    Cylinder compressions low on an IO-360

    My understanding is that the cost for the insurance is negotiated based on the club's rule set. So, it's not written directly into the policy, but instead the policy references the club's rules. So, yeah, I'm to understand it's not directly in the insurance policy, but the two are joined at the...
  11. arnoha

    Cylinder compressions low on an IO-360

    This is commercial insurance arranged through the flying club that manages my plane. They are not an FBO, but rather a flying non-profit. (West Valley Flying Club in Palo Alto, my plane there: ) They do have some of the most draconian...
  12. arnoha

    Cylinder compressions low on an IO-360

    There's definitely some of that going on. I'll ask Steve about it. I do know that the insurance rates at WVFC are the lowest commercial rates I've ever seen. I guess I put up with it a bit as it knocks about $200 off the insurance bill every month. $2400 each year pays for a cylinder. (Of...
  13. arnoha

    Cylinder compressions low on an IO-360

    Thanks. I own the book. Unfortunately, my hands are often tied on these issues. The insurance company won't insure the plane with the low cylinders, so if the plane is to fly, I must replace. :(
  14. arnoha

    G5 and early Cirrus?

    Interesting. I wonder what the process is for adding something to the AML. Either way, for now, I don't have a horse in the race. Early Cirrus are just one of many models I'm debating...and my timeline is around two years out.
  15. arnoha

    G5 and early Cirrus?

    This is what I figured, but the FIKI angle is also interesting. It really bites into the value of those early Cirrus. (Which, I suppose, is part of why they are so relatively cheap.) What about the other half of my question? Is there a path to getting these in when it's not on the AML? Or is...
  16. arnoha

    Lunch spot 50mn from KSQL

    Huh. You're right. I'm confusing it with another airport. Which airport am I thinking about around here that has an incongruous Chinese... Weird that my memory is flipping something around. Sorry about that. Not hating on Del Monte. The way they are right now, they're really quite good. It's...
  17. arnoha

    G5 and early Cirrus?

    Whoops, meant to put this in Avionics, not MX. Oh well. It's here.
  18. arnoha

    G5 and early Cirrus?

    I noticed that the Garmin G5 doesn't have any Cirrus on its current AML. Which does not appear to have been updated since 2017! I was looking wistfully into what plane to go into next as my family grows. I will need a real four seater and could probably use six. The early six-pack Cirrus are...
  19. arnoha

    ADS-B install cost - what did you pay?

    Not sure how much the ADS-B part was...the entire panel overhaul, with a pair of G5's, a GTN-750, a GTX-345, and a USB-6a, was $37,000. That included stripping out the vacuum system, mating everything to the KAP140 AP, and certifying everything to IFR standards. There was another $1000 spent...
  20. arnoha

    LED Tail Light on 172SP

    Not on my plane. The left and right nav lights are the expensive half sphere, silvered on the flat side kind. This kind: The white one in the tail was an ordinary round bulb shape and was less than $5 for a replacement incandescent.