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  1. roncachamp

    AOPA Rusty Pilots course

    The odd cardinal + 500 feet answers all got a Great Job! response, the others all drew a Try Again.
  2. roncachamp

    AOPA Rusty Pilots course

    This is a screenshot from Chapter 2, Preflight & Preparation. I selected 3,000 feet, what are your thoughts on the course response?
  3. roncachamp

    Is it Just Me? A Controller Question. Sorry, lengthy.

    That wasn't the start of the decline, but it definitely accelerated it.
  4. roncachamp

    Frequency change when departing D

    Please identify that controlled airspace and state which of the items of paragraph 5−6−1.a. apply.
  5. roncachamp

    Frequency change when departing D

    What is your point?
  6. roncachamp

    Frequency change when departing D

    The ATC order does not permit ATC to initiate vectoring of, or assignment of altitudes, to VFR aircraft operating in airspace where the separation of VFR aircraft is not required by ATC.
  7. roncachamp

    After cancelling IFR with en-route controller

    Who was showing common sense there?
  8. roncachamp

    Frequency change when departing D

    That "argument" assumes the FAA wants pilots to obey instructions that it does not want controllers to issue. It's absurd.
  9. roncachamp

    Frequency change when departing D

    You stated that if a pilot chooses to be in communication with ATC the pilot is then actually required to follow ATC instructions. No such requirement exists.
  10. roncachamp

    Frequency change when departing D

    ATC is required to initiate a search whenever there is an unexpected loss of radar contact and radio communications, IFR or VFR. I've observed many aircraft change to 1200 codes as they left Class C airspace. I'd call them, there was rarely a response.
  11. roncachamp

    Frequency change when departing D

    Yes. I'm not mistaken, your understanding is incorrect.
  12. roncachamp

    Frequency change when departing D

    For traffic advisories and safety alerts. The radar controller should advise the VFR aircraft of the departing traffic and ship it to tower.
  13. roncachamp

    Frequency change when departing D

    You may choose to do that but the radar controller cannot require you to do that.
  14. roncachamp

    Frequency change when departing D

    How would that alter your initial call to the tower?
  15. roncachamp

    Frequency change when departing D

    They can't hold you on frequency. You're operating VFR in airspace that does not require you to be on that frequency.
  16. roncachamp

    Frequency change when departing D

    So as you get within ten miles of landing bid the radar controller goodbye and call the tower.
  17. roncachamp

    Class G

    Yes, if you can comply with FAR 91.119 Minimum safe altitudes:General.
  18. roncachamp

    Class G

    It matters at night.