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  1. mulligan

    Have any of y'all done this? Anyone found any surprises?

    Do you have any Irish in you? Nope, why? You want some?
  2. mulligan

    BF9-2 Biplane down -- no injuries

    I’m guessing an AOA indicator failure?
  3. mulligan

    May Day! May Day! May Day!

    I “may” look into buying a new AOA
  4. mulligan

    CFIs Voice In Absentia

    Yank on this knob
  5. mulligan

    CFIs Voice In Absentia

    Any landing you away from is a good landing. He texts me last week that he had a loss of control on landing with blown tire. Told him any landing you walk away from is a good landing. He smiled.
  6. mulligan

    IFR written test scores?

    92 for me. Same as ppl. Guessed wrong on a couple. DPE didn’t ask any of those questions in the orals. Just looked at the score and said good enough.
  7. mulligan

    Instrument Approach Speed

    150kts to the IAF, drop first flaps and hit 100kts once established, drop last set of flaps once assured and hit runway at 80kts unless really windy then I add a few kts. But I have an AOA so don’t really look at the numbers, I let it do all the work.
  8. mulligan

    Battery felonie

    AOA - In before the shock, i mean lock
  9. mulligan

    Flew an SR 22 today

    Wherever I land, there is a line of girls waiting for a ride. Always have a red carpet and a bottle of vitamin water waiting on arrival and departure. The AOA indicator ensures a perfect flight every time. Other pilots hate me because I have a chute and don’t use it, mostly because of the AOA
  10. mulligan

    Flew an SR 22 today

  11. mulligan

    And there we go (again)...

    I went through 3 CFIs for my ppl and did not have to start over. They left the flight school for commercial jobs and I got the next in line. But everything was done by syllabus and followed well so we picked up where we left off. After solo it was basically time building and skills refining...
  12. mulligan

    Airport to use - Downtown Houston

    Have to travel to Houston for work and figured better to fly the drive from Baton Rouge. Is it best to fly into Hobby or is there a better alternative that may be close and not so busy?
  13. mulligan

    Citation hits a utility pole during an approach...

    Another example of how an AOA can save a plane full of souls.
  14. mulligan

    Passed my BasicMed exam- butt---

    It’s to make sure your head will fit up there if you are willing to fly an airplane without an AOA
  15. mulligan

    Plane Crash In Bonita Springs, FL (1/22/18) (Daniel Bernath / aka danielabernath)

    Even with no fuel, at 8,000ft the proper use of an AOA would assure safe landing with proper traffic pattern at 30 miles with the proper 45 minute reserve.
  16. mulligan

    Plane Crash In Bonita Springs, FL (1/22/18) (Daniel Bernath / aka danielabernath)

    19 pages in and not a single mention that if he had installed an AOA he would be here today to have this debate with us? Please, everyone, go out today and get your AOA installed.
  17. mulligan

    Name this aircraft

    Karl with a K
  18. mulligan

    Finally flew a Cirrus

    Did you use the AOA. Silly question, you survived so of course you did.
  19. mulligan

    My first night flight

    I flew a 4.7 hour flight at night yesterday through thunderstorms and survived. I have an AOA. I would it recommend it without one
  20. mulligan

    Most memorable experience

    Was strolling along at 5,280 AGL and well....