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  1. Maciej

    Avoiding Bravo Lateral Boundaries

    I’m based out of KCDW and N07, it was one of our local airport’s controllers that I had a chat with.
  2. Maciej

    Avoiding Bravo Lateral Boundaries

    I've gotten the dreaded copy a phone number for doing this, was about ~1mi outside of a Class D.
  3. Maciej

    Help With ?Unused? Domain Name

    Put some cool stuff on there and see how it works out.
  4. Maciej

    Extra 330LX Acro Flight on Coast of Australia

    It's Red Baron's Extra 330LX, flew with my friend Dan Tomic.
  5. Maciej

    Drove out to the airport today...

    It’s a new world.
  6. Maciej

    Extra 330LX Acro Flight on Coast of Australia

    Did a quick trip to burn some vacation time before it'd expire and reached out to a few friends to fly down in Australia while I was in Sydney. Enjoy!
  7. Maciej

    Daily Pic

    We put them in the same position on Extras, I know Patty and Kirby have a few of them in similar places and none of them have come off, nor have they had anyone speak with them. Personally on my mid-wing I'll be apprehensive to really do anything too crazy with an adhesive mount, but I know a...
  8. Maciej

    Is flight at 12,500 actually flight above 12,500?

    For the record, I'd try going up to that altitude and feeling it out, I was able to sit at 11,500' no problem in my Diamond for most of my cross country (literally) flights, but anything above 12,500' I'd get hypoxic pretty quickly.
  9. Maciej

    Daily Pic

    Horizontal stab.
  10. Maciej

    Daily Pic

    That one was an adhesive mount. If the plane goes sub 160mph-170mph I use a suction cup, in excess of that I go for adhesive mounts.
  11. Maciej

    Daily Pic

    Quick clip from the warmup...
  12. Maciej

    Daily Pic

    From my trip to Sydney last week...
  13. Maciej

    Foreflight Hacked ?

    I can’t...
  14. Maciej

    Flight from NJ to Northern Florida

    Did this in my Diamond to go fly Extras, real easy, this is the route I took.
  15. Maciej

    Daily Pic

    This is what happens when you’re on PoA while you have the flu, reading comprehension fail lol
  16. Maciej

    Daily Pic

    Home with the flu, decided to edit some more pics from old flights...
  17. Maciej

    10 Airplanes to own or that you like

    Already have my Extra 300, but the buy list is... - Zivko Edge 540 v3 - Extra 330 LX - Aero L39 w/ TFE731 - Cirrus SR22 Turbo G6 - Embraer Phenom 100 - Hughes/MD 500 - Lancair Super Legacy
  18. Maciej

    Daily Pic

    Here's one from the weekend, have a bunch though so I'll randomly throw them on here...
  19. Maciej

    Iphone x question

    You're lucky, one of the worst issues I had was I'd drop from 60% battery down to 9% then dead in a matter of minutes.
  20. Maciej

    Iphone x question

    I live on both of my phones and laptop for work, it's a really good phone and I needed the upgrade no matter what. My 6 Plus was on life support, if I opened more than two applications at the same time it was freezing and then restarting, horrible lag etc.