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  1. Trobaugh

    Sold my plane...Now what?

    Fly! I've taken years off from flying due to various reasons. It's hard to get back into it once out. I find that my world is a better place when I get to fly, which is not nearly often enough.
  2. Trobaugh

    Question of the day!

    Yep, and DH tells me when he flies too.
  3. Trobaugh

    Airport to use - Downtown Houston

    There's also Hooks and Sugarland that are not too far and pretty easy to get in and out of.
  4. Trobaugh

    Pimp My Ride. Grumman Style.

    Love it!
  5. Trobaugh

    Grumman Options

    Our Traveler runs 7.5-8gph 110-120mph. Love it. It's for sale too :) On of the partners would put a folding bike in the back all the time.
  6. Trobaugh

    So I Think I'll Keep Her but I may be in Trouble!!!

    My husband bought me a plane many years ago so I could finish my PPL. After 20 years of marriage I finally talked him into getting his PPL last year. It is awesome sharing. We have way more fun now!
  7. Trobaugh

    VOR confusion preparing for test

    There is an app I used to play with called Nav Trainer basic, helped a lot to see what was going on
  8. Trobaugh

    Anyone carry sectionals anymore?

    I always carry the paper sectionals. I've had my iPad shut down from the heat too many times to rely on it 100%.