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  1. DFH65

    Any updates on the LSA/LPA changes?

    With Oshkosh approaching wondering if they are going to announce anything? I had read somewhere that LPA was scrapped as being overly complex.
  2. DFH65

    Oil usage?

    Our '57 172 holds 8. Anything much over 6 gets blown overboard. I keep it between 6 and 7 for flights around an hour or two. Oil is cheap and more oil may or may not add to cooling. I forget the minimum for the 0-300 but I think it is 4 quarts.
  3. DFH65

    J-3 Cub, stored outside

    ^this then fly it some more.
  4. DFH65

    Ever have to replace a spark plug away from home?

    All those other planes on the ramp and you bother to carry a spare? :stirpot::happydance:
  5. DFH65

    Poll: Oil change before or after the trip?

    If I had time I would do it. Oil is cheap. If I didn't have time I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep about it and do it when I get back.
  6. DFH65

    Night flying with basic med legal ?

    Here is the problem as I see it the FAA takes issue with lots of things. Some actually are "reason to know" and some, actually many, aren't. So in my mind it is up to me to decide if I believe I can complete the flight safely. In your situation what you might do is go up at night with an...
  7. DFH65

    Goodbye KRHV Reid Hillview

    People get the government they deserve.
  8. DFH65

    Avgas Prices

    It won't stop until you stop flying that evil fossil fuel burning gas guzzler that is destroying the planet and spewing lead on children. 6.50 here.
  9. DFH65

    Commercial tour operator turning off ADS-B

    Our 172 has no transponder or ADSB-out and a hand held as well. We do have lights. Can we still join your club?
  10. DFH65


    I fly way more than my partner but our agreement was to split maintenance and fixed cost 50/50. He can fly more if he wants. He chooses not to and honestly sometimes I think he likes the idea of owning an airplane more than flying it. I do a lot of take offs and landings. I have averaged 3.6...
  11. DFH65

    Need advice -Wifes first time up

    Keep inverted flight to a minimum. Glad my wife LOVES to fly.
  12. DFH65

    Got Scammed on “Checkout” flight - Advice?

    2.3 hours back in the day some instructors would have been ready to solo you at that point. :)
  13. DFH65

    Info on Niagra Falls

    Sorry no courtesy car unfortunately it isn't a typical airport it mainly exists because of the museum. Not sure what airports nearby have cars actually. PM me when you plan to be around if I can I will buzz up there and show you around.
  14. DFH65

    Info on Niagra Falls

    If you stop into D52 Letchworth is just to the south. What are you flying?
  15. DFH65

    Info on Niagra Falls

    National Warplane Museum located at D52 if you aren't afraid of grass. 5000' turf runway in very good condition. Great bunch of people wrenching on airplanes on the weekends and if the weather is nice you never know what will be flying. The C47 will be in Philly this weekend but should be...
  16. DFH65

    Fooling hobbs, logging full time

    karma can be...well you know.. Assuming you are not a troll, this disgusts me, well trolls kind of disgust me too :) . You are not even upset about what you did but are upset you got caught. Go away and don't come back.
  17. DFH65

    Electronic pilot log books

    Have been using MyFlightBook for years. What happens if you let your Foreflight subscription lapse do you lose access to your logs? I do paper and electronic. The electronic is the backup and I backup that too. :)
  18. DFH65

    Top Gun 2

    Saw it yesterday. It felt like time spent catching up with some old friends. Overall I liked it and the flying scenes were good anything these days that isn't CGI (Cartoon) is good.
  19. DFH65

    Weird but useful lesson.

    My sunglasses have bifocals and I carry an extra set of readers in with me.
  20. DFH65

    What Other Careers

    My day job is putting toothpaste back in the tube. My side gig is as a super model.