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  1. Richard

    Offensive comment to CFI

    Your writings me laugh. Good stuff. A true man doesn't need an apron. Confidence is frying bacon in the buff.
  2. Richard

    Offensive comment to CFI

    The revelations of your home life keep getting better and better (or worse and worse depending on POV).
  3. Richard

    safe vs airworthy

    I had a wonderful book written by Bowers himself. IIRC, he did flip a FlyBaby but I do not remember if it was on floats or wheels. I have much admiration for his achievements including putting an Aeronca C-2 on floats as his daily driver.
  4. Richard

    safe vs airworthy

    As Ron W. says, it is not uncommon. My 1944 L-5E had a wide variety of screws, and associated hardware. My efforts towards achieving commonality involved having to R/R skin panels. Plus I was able to increase payload when I accessed every inch of that aircraft to remove decades worth of dropped...
  5. Richard

    safe vs airworthy

    Assuming this is contract law, ie, tort, my answer to Tom's original question is that whatever standards are set by Mfg's recommendations, then SB and AD, and even 'common practices', while Tom could refer to those as guidelines and would have some validity with that, at the end of the day it...
  6. Richard

    FAA Releases NPRM on Commercial UAS

    I'm with write-stuff on this...once it is codified into the regs. The full force of the govt will come down like a hammer when regs are enacted. And already there are enough high profile events which have gotten notice such as the very recent drone crashing into a private residence and (if...
  7. Richard

    Interesting article on the global economy.

    Call it gloating if you like but I say it is due to the people. The people had carried the burden of all the QE fiascos plus other asinine govt programs like Cash For Clunkers and banks too big to fail nonsense. It is time the burden shifted. Don't forget economic growth at a paltry 2.75% too.
  8. Richard

    California drones to be limited by regulating airspace above private property

    Some of those criminal miscreants were in other small cities before they came to Bell. They perpetuated the same acts in those other municipalities. The city of Irvine, CA has been the subject of investigations with regard to MASSIVE retirement pensions for city employees. There are a lot of...
  9. Richard

    That is a rich opportunity for entrepreneurs. Use the aforementioned website to ident certain properties. Fly your drone over those properties where it is likely to be damaged or destroyed by property owner or tenant. Use the courts as path to riches. A good CPA could easily tell you how many...
  10. Richard

    [rant]Pirep: Carl's All Natural Burger[rant]

    I thought this thread was about Charlotte McKinney. The last time I ate a Carl's Jr burger about 15 minutes later it came up faster than it went down. Never again.
  11. Richard

    Feeling Lost

    You're never too old for a mid-life crisis. :) What kind of projects do you have in mind for your new shop?
  12. Richard

    Can real airplanes do this stuff?

    You don't really mean that I hope. My understanding of the DA is it is 'awarded' only for fatalities. Therefore, to wish one 'wins' is to wish him dead if only for his apparent stupidity. Which means the same applies to me about 100 times and counting.
  13. Richard

    I'm out

  14. Richard

    Creepy Unknown Animal Call

    I'll take your word for it but you've not heard a women's scream until you've heard a seal scream when caught with a mouthful of hooks.
  15. Richard

    I'm Out

    No Chris whats his name for the tingly leg thingy?
  16. Richard

    POAers met in person

    That is a good run. I have been wanting to get back to 6Y9 for the parade.
  17. Richard

    POAers met in person

    Honestly I could not remember if I stepped out of a high wing or low wing. :confused: Actually, you hauled me from 6Y9 to IMT. EDIT: sheesh, I just detected how you worded that.
  18. Richard

    Reason #436,000,000 the TSA should be desolved

    Bow unthinking to the mighty gov? Never! Apparently a frequent flier distance runner uses a PVC tube. Those ramp apes doncha know.
  19. Richard

    Washing and waxing planes

    I reckon it looks like I am pulling back on my comment but I was actually thinking of the base attachment and the material covering. Thin aluminum compares to heavy 'glass how?
  20. Richard

    POAers met in person

    Restraining order? :rolleyes: