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  1. Richard

    SCOTUS gets one correct

    Not exactly. What I mean is the program extended to forage dry crops (hay, etc) to silage to legumes, fruit, dairy and more. And participation in the program under the Act was mandatory, a farmer could not 'opt out'. The court answered three questions in this case. It makes very interesting...
  2. Richard

    SCOTUS gets one correct

    This case is about takings by the government. Also up for debate was what constitutes 'taking'. Especially delicious is the court's decision seems to put the Ag Marketing Agreement (1937; FDR's New Deal) in...
  3. Richard

    So much for dreams

    Add on: should the feds be in the position of qualifying a private enterprise? What of letting a business rise or fall on it's own merits? Even if the case is made that the public is harmed, what supporting argument is made that the govt is the arbiter of which enterprise is or is not worthy...
  4. Richard

    So much for dreams

    RE: Dave's comment. It is entirely possible to combine one's avocation with occupation. Hang around an FBO, witness the yearling CFIs thirsty for flight time. It isn't only a paycheck nor only flight time they seek although to ask them it is flight time which is of importance. But...
  5. Richard

    When dreams come true... (long)

    Firstly, Loren, congratulations to you for your accomplishments and daring to step out of your world to pursue your dreams. Bloody hell, what is this, a zero to hero launch to Mars? From the OP I gather the first interview was 12FEB yet here it is 28APR and there is STILL more to go before...
  6. Richard

    Holding Logbooks Hostage?

    I had a problem with the purchase of an aircraft. At the date and time and location as agreed between myself and the seller for me to take delivery I thumbed through the logs to see that the logbook entries were incomplete. The seller holds FAA A&P/IA. I asked for specific verbiage concerning...
  7. Richard

    Holding Logbooks Hostage?

    What file? What is your business? If it is a file that you produced from information gotten from your client I can see that. But the A&P did not originate said aircraft logs, they were in existence before him, they belong to the aircraft, hence he is illegally taking the property of another person.
  8. Richard

    Providing replacement parts for certified GA aircraft

    That seems to be a flaw in the AC. It is verboten to make the part 'better' or 'stronger'. So let's just make it as original and with the original service life. How did we ever get from the Wright Flyer to the jet age? Is there a 'work around' the AC? Stewart and Check Six, thank you...
  9. Richard

    If you had to start a small, aviation related business, in a large metro area

    To answer the OP, door locks and parts. And hinges too. Those parts take a beating, seem not robust enough for their service, can be difficult to find or at You Got To Be Kidding Me pricing from the original manufacturer.
  10. Richard

    If you had to start a small, aviation related business, in a large metro area

    That's what she said! I mean, I know just what you mean. Therefore, I am proud to announce a new concierge opportunity. Each client is treated with the utmost respect and dedication to their project. Knowing how important it is to you to make the right purchase decision but too that you want to...
  11. Richard

    Providing replacement parts for certified GA aircraft

    That is exactly what I am thinking. And that is what Tom was thinking when he suggested the idea.
  12. Richard

    Providing replacement parts for certified GA aircraft

    Injection, extrusion, rotomoulding. I would likely roto a mandrel and work from that.
  13. Richard

    Providing replacement parts for certified GA aircraft

    I'll research this further but would to gain a STC necessitate working through the original aircraft manufacturer? And, WRT to the 'other option' as mentioned by Stewart, wouldn't gaining the PMA for commercial sale add value to the part? That is, the PMA part would appeal to a larger customer...
  14. Richard

    Get your NOTAMS!

    I've always wondered about those NOTAMs like, Temporary crane 120 feet right of centerline, 4,000 feet distant from rwy, 184 feet. Who cannot outclimb a crane and/or maintain the CL and if they can't they are likely confined to day VFR. I suppose they have to disseminate lest the estate of the...
  15. Richard

    Get your NOTAMS!

    When I would plug into DUATS I would get reams of NOTAMs as is mentioned here. So I found it much simpler, even after the LM lockdown, to ask the briefer. I would be sure to confine to 50 nm of my route of flight. Make him do the work plus it's recorded. Occasionally, during flight ATC would...
  16. Richard

    In this thread we stray from the topic as far as possible.

    Everything is on YT. Conceivably one could relive their life captured on videos posted to YT. Yet, they could at least catch more than a glimpse of their ancestor's lives too. Of all the films of Korea I keep watching to see if I will find my dad. After all, a group of photogs from Life...
  17. Richard

    Providing replacement parts for certified GA aircraft

    In the thread about maintenance of tailcones made of ABS, it is suggested, WRT FAA, what would be required to provide such replacement parts for certified aircraft?
  18. Richard

    Polishing prop

    On my 1964 PA-28 I maintained the prop according the AFM (reference by aircraft S/N) which was to wipe it with a coat of motor oil.
  19. Richard

    In this thread we stray from the topic as far as possible.

    A-well a everybody's heard about the bird.
  20. Richard

    22,000' Free Fall With No Parachute.....

    While that is very much true, I feel it is short shrift to say only that. It's bloody miraculous. Note that he had just left a burning ship under attack. From the frying pan into the fire, as it were.