Search results

  1. P

    Plane loaded with drugs makes emergency landing on Southern California highway

    I had a case where Homeland Security seized an aircraft. It stayed at the FBO where it had been seized for over a year before it was returned to the owner.
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    I just got screwed..

    I am not licensed to practice law in Minnesota, but in my state, that conduct is actionable.
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    What’s going on at United

    As long as we are not trying to shove square pegs into round holes, I am all for actively searching/recruiting for diverse round pegs in historically under-represented segments and reaching out to those round pegs that never realized that they could be round pegs.
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    Insurance Companies

    I have done work for Global Aerospace, and from my experience, they are a really good company.
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    Multiple Recent ATC Errors...Why?

    What!??!?! This is the INTERNET! We have certain standards to uphold here.
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    Multiple Recent ATC Errors...Why?

    If you were a bot, would your creators tell you?
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    Multiple Recent ATC Errors...Why?

    I personally have no basis to draw any conclusions one way or the other, and I have done zero research. I just think it's ridiculous to discount Velocity's very well-educated assessment because he hasn't cited a peer-reviewed paper acceptable to his critics. My experience having read...
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    Multiple Recent ATC Errors...Why?

    Sir, I am sorry, but your decades long career and on the job experience, your intimate insider knowledge of the system, and all of your personal contacts in the system are all simply unreliable anecdotal evidence that cannot be relied on. We need to see a peer review study in a non-conservative...
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    Under insured and sweating a little bit..

    If you can reach out to the pilot and find out who is insurance carrier is, you can make a claim directly with them. This is the reason he has insurance, so he will probably cooperate to give it to you if he has insurance. If he won't talk to you to give you his insurance information, you can...
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    April solar eclipse

    I am still flabbergasted by our extreme luck. We live in the path of totality. My wife had several family members fly in from all over the country-- (Florida, California, Montana) to come see the eclipse and to have an excuse for a family get together. The weather was crap up until Monday...
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    Ferry flight lawsuit (mods please help with title)

    As I have said on here several times, Plaintiff's lawyers just want the insurance money. No matter how much they grandstand on justice, it's about the money.
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    Ferry flight lawsuit (mods please help with title)

    I find this quote compared to this quote (both written by Plaintiff's lawyers) hilarious.
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    Ferry flight lawsuit (mods please help with title)

    Please spare us. I have been to too many mediations and settlement conferences where mediators and judges strong-arm settlements based not on the facts but because of the cost of defense and risk of a runaway jury. As long as there is insurance to pay, the plaintiff's bar will be there, and...
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    Ferry flight lawsuit (mods please help with title)

    Perhaps you should not have filled her head with false hopes of vast sums of wealth that are based neither on logic nor justice.
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    Ferry flight lawsuit (mods please help with title)

    I don't know. The complaint is a masterclass in class warfare, and the matter was filed in California.
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    Ferry flight lawsuit (mods please help with title)

    From the complaint: "Southern Cross did not file a flight plan as required." No wonder they crashed!
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    Ferry flight lawsuit (mods please help with title)

    I don't take issue with what you say. However, the CFRs give some ammunition to plaintiffs' attorneys: 14 CF §91.403 General. (a) The owner or operator of an aircraft is primarily responsible for maintaining that aircraft in an airworthy condition, including compliance with part 39 of this...
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    California FBOs Told To Stop Selling 100LL, Switch To G100UL

    The supreme court has stated that the standard for conflict preemption of state law is that the state law “stands as an obstacle to the accomplishment and execution of the full purposes and objectives of Congress.” In preemption analysis, courts should assume that “the historic police powers of...
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    California FBOs Told To Stop Selling 100LL, Switch To G100UL

    Those are two separate issues. Clearly the sale of aviation fuel involves interstate commerce, which would give the congress constitutional authority to regulate, but it doesn't follow that states are precluded from also regulating the sale. You have to demonstrate one of the three types of...
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    Plane crash on FL freeway

    Not sure about that. I had an FBO ask me prist or no prist. I fly a 177B.