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  1. P


    So sad. This was a dad, who killed himself and injured his 3 children. Some rumors are he was just a student pilot and others say he might have just passed his check ride and this was his first flight. The kids looked pretty small so I don't think weight was a factor. The problem was...
  2. P

    Basic Med above 18,000MSL?

    Just don't ask the glider guys that have no medical at all but fly above 18,000 feet!
  3. P

    Advice for flying to Los Angeles

    This is basically fake news. There is no “ramp fees” if you park your airplane at the city owned tow downs at smo.
  4. P

    Advice for flying to Los Angeles

    If you can use UL94 it's self serve. If you need 100LL you need to call the FBO and they will send a truck over. It's best not to buy fuel at SMO. Just bring enough to make it out and get much cheaper fuel elsewhere. The city parking is on the left side of the runway in front of the old...
  5. P

    Advice for flying to Los Angeles

    I don’t know anything about TEB, whatever that is. I am based at smo and have been for 10 years so I have a pretty good idea of how it’s run. There is nobody to “greet” you at the airport. In fact the only way the city knows you land is by a transcription of the ATC feed. If you say the...
  6. P

    Advice for flying to Los Angeles

    If you go to Santa Monica do not go to the FBO. The city has tie downs in front of the restaurant they closed down. They have a little gate which you can let yourself in and out of the airport. No facility fee. There still will be tie down fees and landing fees which should be ignored...
  7. P

    PIREP - Trig Avionics

    Trigs are great! Hard for them to compete value-wise with the Garmin equivalent. For those of us against the evil empire it's a solid choice. The exceptions are the smaller radios and transponders which have no Garmin equivalent.
  8. P

    Advice for flying to Los Angeles

    Waypoint closes at 3pm so it's not really supper. On the weekends and Wednesdays they have their special a tri tip sandwich which should not be missed. One of you better order it but it can be split. I must remind the group that KSMO is free to land at and has free transient fees as long as...
  9. P

    RV10 or C182 or Other for my needs...?

    I find this a little hard to believe. Where is home and where is mom and dad? In my experience most trips in general aviation planes with a family tend to do 2 hour legs. 3 hour legs are usually a stretch but at 5 hours you might as well just forget it. Someone's gonna have to pee.
  10. P

    RV10 or C182 or Other for my needs...?

    Stick with the 182. Fly it and own it for a couple of years. After you get used to airplane ownership and flying yourself your entire perspective will change. You will realize for instance that the speed advantages the RV-10 has over the 182 don't really buy you much time in the real world...
  11. P

    Advice for flying to Los Angeles

    If you are thinking of Van Nuys look at Whitman,. it's right next door but doesn't have the jet traffic. If I were you I would land at SMO and just throw away the dumb landing fee bill they mail to you. Also feel free to skip out on the transient fees too! (I am based at SMO) there is nothing...
  12. P

    RV8 Wing Spar

    Yes the wing spars are completely done even in the slow build kit.
  13. P

    Spreading Ashes

    Here is what I did out of a 182. I got a plastic pipe from home depot maybe 3 or 4 feet long. It might have had a 6 inch diameter and might have been some sort of a sewer pipe. I closed the bottom of the pipe off with a bunch of tightly packed newspaper. Next you put in the ashes. Then you...
  14. P

    advice for handling A&P shop

    What sort of plane is this? I can't think of a glass plane with a one piece wing.
  15. P

    Help! Logbook Lost/Stolen; How to Reconstruct it?

    I didn't have time to read all of the responses. Just re create the log book and have your instruct sign each old flight. You should have all of the flights plus your instructor should also be logging the flights so he can re sign your book where he gave you dual.
  16. P

    Should KSMO be Closed?

    (1) who or what is paying to keep it running? If it is the "tax payer" then is it city, state, federal? Right now the city funded by excessive landing fees, high rents, and non aviation use at the airport. (2) who or what owns it and has the right to do it with as they please? It was lent...
  17. P

    The end of Reno

    That would give you about 250 hours. Good enough for a flight almost every night! I'll split it with you.
  18. P

    The end of Reno

    Early rumors indicate the air races are moving to KSMO!
  19. P

    It's baack! The Raptor 2.0

    I think the most hated airplane builder is just messing with us. After all that's happened he can't possibly believe in the raptor 2.0 or his "thrusters". I think he is putting out these videos for his own amusement and watching all of the people on the forums go nuts.
  20. P

    It's baack! The Raptor 2.0

    Why doesn't the most hated airplane builder just say it's a space plane!