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  1. ChemGuy

    Pre-Buy Inspection

    Will fly with ferry permit. Or is that Fairy Dust...cant remember
  2. ChemGuy

    Final Arrangements

    If you want to go out “Old School” there is a place in CO you can have an outdoor pyre done. That’s sounds better to me than a 10k box or a gas oven.
  3. ChemGuy

    Something I don't see everyday...

    Fangs out
  4. ChemGuy

    Why do older people drive corvettes?

    Wait. What. Calls Corvette a redneck sports car...then prefers mustangs? The only thing more redneck-y than a mustang is a diesel ram with towing mirrors extended, even with no trailer. :D
  5. ChemGuy

    Unconventional deck sealing

    If its your forever house/deck...go with Ipe wood. Its awesome. But $$$ You may be able to get it locally but here is some info.
  6. ChemGuy

    Want To Buy Rivet squeezer

    Have you looked on VAF? Those RV guys cycle thru those kind of tools like crazy on that site,
  7. ChemGuy

    Partnership vs Own Plane

    Your lack of flexibility in scheduling is perfect for a partnership. Just find someone who can fly on the evenings and during the week and its a great way to lower costs and have minimal affect on use. As long as everyone knows this going into the relationship I would be fine with it. Like...
  8. ChemGuy

    Partnership vs Own Plane

    Sounds like a deal, depending on total costs and airplane. If the plane availability works for your schedule a partnership is a great way to defray costs. I was in a 4 person partnership for a few years with a Dakota. I can count on one hand, and have a few fingers left, the number of times i...
  9. ChemGuy


    WN 737....
  10. ChemGuy

    Twin engine crash off bahamas

    Must have been for sale with no takers...
  11. ChemGuy


    For military use something like this would be awesome. If it can go 5-10-15 miles, or more. Imagine a battalion of guys all geared up and dispersed around able to quickly fly to an objective and assault. With no airborne op, dont need 50 black hawks or Osprey's.
  12. ChemGuy

    Mags - rebult vs new - no facts, just your opinions

    Don’t happen to have a slick 4316 do you?
  13. ChemGuy

    AirVenture 2019: Facts and Figures

    As a cfi you should know this kind of stuff But lots of multi day events track total attendance as each person every day they were there. Like at a motorcycle race they may report 100,000 attendance for a 3 day weekend. Half of that may be the Sunday races and the rest are attendance on fri and sat
  14. ChemGuy

    Oshkosh 2020: What Hotel?

    Are they still renting dorm rooms at the college and running shuttles?
  15. ChemGuy

    Non-Equity Partner

    Agree with the above. Named insured. Some sort of agreement in writing as to conditions of use, term of agreement, etc. Ideally it would be with an entity of some kind, but it sounds like you are basically helping to pay for fixed costs for the use of a plane from an owner and thats fine as...
  16. ChemGuy

    Constant speed prop question

    Brian with a Y would have. He’s gold seal cfiiiiiiiii.....i :D
  17. ChemGuy

    Florida Grumman Folks?

    Cant help with FL Travelers, but if you come north to Goshen, IN, (KGSH) New Horizons Aviation has a 1974 Traveler they rent for $144/hr.
  18. ChemGuy

    FlyQ users...POA Floq

    Oops. If you watch the video on the new log features you can see how to turn off any chance of sharing info.
  19. ChemGuy

    FlyQ users...POA Floq

    Have you flyq users seen the new log book they added in this latest version? They have a new logbook function (floq) that allows flight following. The idea is your friends can see your log book flight including map of flight, pictures you linked to that log entry etc. You can ask them questions...
  20. ChemGuy

    Joined the ranks today

    Thanks guys. It does look like a hoot to put around in. The current owner says top speed about 100mph, he cruises about 80-85mph on 4-4.5 gph. He's been flying it off his backyard strip. It got airborne in a couple hundred feet and I cant wait to get up in it.