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  1. Sierra1

    Did not know about ADHD restrictions when I got my medical. What do I do?

    Yeah I've seen multiple issues. Some PMP printouts are shocking as hell. My wife works in a MD office and they even try with them, they just caught a doozy last week. I'm glad you take it seriously, wish others did.
  2. Sierra1

    Is there anyway to come back from an FAA Emergency Revocation

    Post it, for research purposes.
  3. Sierra1

    Did not know about ADHD restrictions when I got my medical. What do I do?

    Lots of docs just want to load people up on what they want, they dont care about downstream issues caused by it because they don’t have to deal with it. Same base reason opiates became an issue, but there were downstream issues and it still continued.
  4. Sierra1

    Who is This

    AI fever dream
  5. Sierra1

    Did not know about ADHD restrictions when I got my medical. What do I do?

    Technically it should have been reported even after the 2 years….its a lifetime scarlet letter with the FAA. “Have you ever been diagnosed with……..”
  6. Sierra1

    The missing light - and now you know the rest of the story

    Good lord, the ego on this guy
  7. Sierra1

    Beech V35 Midair Breakup

    At least he wasn’t playing a guitar this time and talking about his life story like he’s a saint
  8. Sierra1

    Leadville Co Density Altitude 11,500

    Very cool thread OP, a thanks for sharing. Been to the Leadville area quite a few times, climbing 14ers, flying around them sounds awesome
  9. Sierra1

    Helo with Iranian President hits side of mountain

    That crew over there is really adept at making everything they do the fault of someone else. Never their choice.
  10. Sierra1


    I always found it hypocritical they used the boogy man of “big pharma” to fight against to get it more mainstream, yet use the exact same tactics now of those they rallied against
  11. Sierra1

    So far away from me ...

    This right here. I have a buddy who works VHF and UHF openings with a directional antenna and some of the distances he gets is pretty impressive. There is a whole subset of ham that tracks and works skip and ducting openings.
  12. Sierra1

    Beech V35 Midair Breakup

    That's horrible.....
  13. Sierra1

    ADHD class 3 medical deferral

    So didn’t disclose, then he caught it and deferred you and sent it off? Likely this is in your future
  14. Sierra1

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    Rolled a whopping 6 hours today, boy am I hooked on this. Did 10 landings mostly on my own with some coaching as crosswind decided to come play at the end. Probably the most rewarding thing I’ve done, or at least up there.
  15. Sierra1

    Oklahoma is OK I hope

    I really wish they finished this beast.
  16. Sierra1

    Oklahoma is OK I hope

    First timeframe was a dud. Hopefully it continues through 2300.
  17. Sierra1

    FAA changes name of Antidepressant Protocol to...

    Cracked open is better than nothing I guess. I just wish they would do more for those with these situations.
  18. Sierra1

    Dick Rutan Gone West

    What a legend.
  19. Sierra1

    The missing light - and now you know the rest of the story

    LMFAO is that why it got pulled. The guy keeps digging a deeper hole.
  20. Sierra1

    The missing light - and now you know the rest of the story

    It was a druggie he admits to trying to help while also being romantic. All her fault of course.