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  1. Captain

    Question about the A320 Spirit planes

    No. Copilots get crosswind limitations while they're low time (<100 hrs). Captains get high mins which add 100' and a 1/2 mile to ceiling/vis requirements. But, then there's exemption 5549 which allows that to be reduced to Cat II mins if Autoland is used. My guess to the OP is the crew was...
  2. Captain

    Question about the A320 Spirit planes

    Airbus also changes xwind limits based on runway width. A narrow runway (less than 150 feet / 45 meters) has xwind limits of 38 kts dry, 33 kts wet and 10 kts contaminated. Autoland xwind limit is 15 kts.
  3. Captain

    Pet Peeves

    Those gaps don't 'open on their own'. They come from every car delaying acceleration based on the car in front of them and it's a required function of mass acceleration. Spacing requirements go up with speed. Parked cars at a light require no spacing and on the other end, on a highway require...
  4. Captain

    Pet Peeves

    People who don't get physics.
  5. Captain

    How many time have you run out of gas?

    You are allowed to burn into your reserves under IFR just like VFR. What's the alternative? Shut the engines down to save the required fuel?? The requirement is to plan the flight to land with reserves and if you require an alternate then you need to plan to go to you destination, then your...
  6. Captain

    How many time have you run out of gas?

    Seems like an unusually high number of stories of pilots running themselves out of gas. Cirrus guy in IMC and coked up dad sparked it. So, why? Why would anyone even come close? I've done a ton of dumb things in my life but never have I tried to fly further or longer than the gas would take...
  7. Captain

    Pessimist view of GA

    The internet killed it. Because network market share has fallen sharply they have had to focus on a niche. Fox targets conservatives and msnbc targets liberals. They could have used Coke / Pepsi drinkers but political affiliation is what they went with. To keep viewers they have to drum up...
  8. Captain

    Belly landing at KPIE

    law of intensity. Correct them way out and it doesn't make an impression. By riding it to short final they can't convince themselves later that they were about to do it or would have got to it. It forces them to realize it can and did happen and realistically look at ways to prevent it...
  9. Captain

    Belly landing at KPIE

    Whenever I had a complex student forget the gear I'd let them go with it. Then at 50 feet or so I'd take the plane and go around. Everything went calm and we'd just sorta climb out while they looked at me and I'd ask, "what's that noise"? I loved the look on their face as it went from...
  10. Captain

    That's right!!

    It's not paranoia if everyone really is out to get you...
  11. Captain

    how often do you fly

    When I was doing my IFR training I flew 4 to 5 times per week.
  12. Captain

    Belly landing at KPIE

    I have never bashed Henning. I like the guy.
  13. Captain

    What have you learned?

    I learned that step turns to the right you can blow off the VSI. Wait, what??
  14. Captain

    That's right!!

    Nah, my only complaint was the MC did the outing. Now it's out, whatevs. Btw, with my name and birthday y'all could probably figure out my address. Feel free to post it and don't worry if my family gets killed by rouge radicalized pilots. I've expressed unpopular opinions so it'd be my...
  15. Captain

    [rant]Cyclist's dilemma[rant]

    An entire thread on trouser snakes. We got rid of the SZ why?
  16. Captain

    What have you learned?

    Lol. How have I not heard that one before?? That's going in the mental rolladex.
  17. Captain

    What have you learned?

    I just learned Freedom is an awesome stripper name....
  18. Captain

    Belly landing at KPIE

    So the trucks weren't standing by when it landed? That's not good...
  19. Captain

    What have you learned?

    I learned you have the creepiest avatar I've ever seen.
  20. Captain

    Star Wars thread - spoilers included

    Maybe Luke was retarded and the force is easy for anyone with high midi-chlorian counts. He was pretty whiny on Dagobah when he first met Yoda in episode IV.