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  1. M

    Did anyone feel 0 fear their first aerobatic flight?

    You are right in what you explained. I haven’t thought about this stuff in decades and you induced me to look up a bunch of stuff. The first thing was that the angle of attack on the ascending vertical was zero. Not an intuitive concept when pointing 90degrees up except when I realized the plane...
  2. M

    Did anyone feel 0 fear their first aerobatic flight?

    I’m laughing, but not at all at you, but at the variability of how pilots define what a wing-over is, and how to fly them. I asked that exact question about 10 posts earlier as I was not sure what folks were talking about. My only frame of reference was in the definition and performance of a...
  3. M

    Did anyone feel 0 fear their first aerobatic flight?

    When you say bank, you mean aileron neutral but kicking with full rudder deflection to the left until nose pointing down, right? ( and also providing the pivot is made with enough energy left to allow whatever size rudder you have to do the job)
  4. M

    Any tips for 300nm Cross Country for commercial?

    Being instrument current will help with your options, both enroute and planning, but your flight can be accomplished VFR only; you will just need to wait for the right weather systems. But as long as you can wait at intermediate stops for weather to pass the area, that works also. In the...
  5. M

    Did anyone feel 0 fear their first aerobatic flight?

    I had never encountered the term wingover in competition. I guess if it was “sloppy” with too much vertical airspeed at the pivot, that should get you downgraded. On the other hand, if you were dumb enough to find yourself in a box canyon, anyway you do it would be acceptable( unless it was...
  6. M

    Did anyone feel 0 fear their first aerobatic flight?

    What is the real difference between the hammerhead and the wingover, providing you don’t tail-slide it.
  7. M

    Aerobatic Workout

    Do you actually practice split Ss? It used to be something to be avoided in routines. IDK, maybe OK for unlimited but the possibility of over stressing the airplane was generally great. Maybe not an issue for airplanes with high +&- g limits.
  8. M

    Mountain weather planning - question for you Rockies pilots

    Flatlander question: besides the characteristic appearance of rotors and waves because of the presence of moisture, and in a situation where high near-perpendicular winds to a mountain range increases the suspicion of these downwind, how often could these phenomena be invisible to the naked eye?
  9. M

    Any tips for 300nm Cross Country for commercial?

    I would concur with the folks saying this will not be as challenging as you’re thinking, and is not that long of a cross country. But from your relatively inexperienced perspective, I can understand your reservations. I’m not that familiar with the area, but I have traveled similar routing into...
  10. M

    Three minutes twenty-four seconds.

    While not as much of an issue in my Archer2, having been burned by it, I too randomly turn on CH in cruise and routinely for a bit before landing.
  11. M

    Three minutes twenty-four seconds.

    I realize some engines make more ice than others. While I have had an occurrence like yours with my PA28-181 O360A4M, it was after doing low power IFR practice approaches when my engine stumbled on the missed approach with insertion of full power. Fortunately, I was immediately on top of it with...
  12. M

    Another ‘Cherokee 180 vs. 235’ thread…

    When flying with the family in my 181, with the exception when the kids were small, we (me + 3 ladies and their baggage) were always at gross. Really true, as you have stated for any non-turbo IC engine in that high altitude will lower available HP, but the fuel saving is very healthy and...
  13. M

    Replacing Turn Coordinator... or not?

    Exactly right. I also have a Century 2B (Piper Autocontrol 3B). While I have an Aspen, there exists an option for the Aspen AI to drive this legacy autopilot (the G5 does not have that capability at all) by paying $2500(?) for an EA100(?). However, the Aspen HSI comes standard with that...
  14. M

    Another ‘Cherokee 180 vs. 235’ thread…

    I think you meant, same wing but different engine when comparing the PA28-181 versus the 236. Regarding cruise speed comparison, I file 125kts on FltPlan Go, and I am invariably right on the money on my cross countries at 8-9K. My Archer(well rigged and with wheel pants and strong engine )...
  15. M

    Another ‘Cherokee 180 vs. 235’ thread…

    I have an Archer 2 with gobs of experience, but have very little 235 experience. I have flown with all 4 seats occasionally, and even on 1000 mile trips. Some of the passengers were not light weights, but most were in the 175 lb or less. When flying this way at 8K, probably plan to reduce fuel...
  16. M

    KT76A Transponder after roughly serial number 100,000

    Other than the additional cost of a new transponder check from your avionics shop each time one is replaced, one could rinse and repeat for quite a long while.
  17. M

    Replacing Turn Coordinator... or not?

    I have an Aspen and a backup vacuum AI. Then my TC failed. I know if I needed the space for something else, I’d be covered by the Aspen. But I like that redundancy with something I find customary and easy to use to check standard rate and the ball. Also, it didn’t require a lot of extra thought...
  18. M

    KT76A Transponder after roughly serial number 100,000

    I’m not an avionics guy, but the solid state nature of some KT76As is news to me. Having said that, I have the same TailBeacon/KT76A setup and works well. My Avionics guy tries to upsell me on getting rid of the KT76A, but not doing it until there is a performance issue. As far as your...
  19. M

    GPS antenna paint

    I don’t know how often mistakes occur to antennas and other devices attached to the fuselage during the repaint process, but my ASPEN AHRS went wacky immediately after and had to be replaced. Fortunately, it was still under the avionics warranty, but otherwise I would’ve had a discussion with...
  20. M

    Time to cool engine <40degs, after landing

    Regarding experience, I have never had the frosted plug situation when I was trying to start from 10 degrees F up in my Archer. Always fearful of it but even if it did not catch on first go around, still able to start. I do understand that nobody wants to get it though for the pain that it is...