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  1. inav8r

    NBC Nightly News - Aug. 14th

    Just another example of "Perception is Reality". If the airlines via the news media can alter "perception" then they can, in turn, alter reality...
  2. inav8r

    Cancelling my AOPA / BoA VISA

    Well, I'll be... All of my credit cards are due on or after the 15'th of each month. So usually, around the 10'th or so I go to each of their websites, find my current balance and then use an online bill-paying service (Checkfree via my bank) to send them the money. So far, 100% of the time...
  3. inav8r

    Night landing at unlit field...

    That's been my experience. In low traffic situations I ususally even turn off the landing light once I'm above 100' AGL (and clear of known obsticles). I, however, have been fortunate enough to have only done night ops at airports where I've gone first in daylight... As for landing at night...
  4. inav8r


    Our kids, 12 and 10, expressed their desire to go camping a couple of weeks back. So I proceeded to go out and buy a tent, air mattresses and other gear we'd need to go tent camping for a weekend here and there. I was an avid camper in my "younger" days (aka pre-college) and I can honestly say...
  5. inav8r

    Lost (mislaid) Medical?

    But a bit more expensive. :(
  6. inav8r

    Attendee List

    I have spousal approval for this to be my 1 big XC for this year, so I've booked our 182. She may come along, not sure yet. Name..........# ppl...Aircraft.....N#.....Arr/Dep..Camping..Departing E Frederick.....1.....PA28-180....2212R....Th/Mon....Y B...
  7. inav8r

    What kind of facilities are near 6Y9?

    If I do get to attend this year and I camp under the wing of my 182 - I can't imagine going for 3 days w/ out a shower... Can you tell us what's available for people who want to camp on the field?
  8. inav8r

    6Y9 Fly-in

    I need to start collecting camping equipment... I have no idea what I truly *need*
  9. inav8r

    There's Oops and Then There's... Oh Boy!

    On a related note, they also announced that they'd have to bill all customers $9.95 for the x-rated move they aired. ;)
  10. inav8r

    Plot International Route

    You didn't click on my link, did you. ;)
  11. inav8r

    Plot International Route

    A co-worker and good friend of mine is on his way to China today for vacation. I was looking at what's available from flight aware and noticed that they display the route. Does anyone know of a site that can plot that route? I'm sort of curious to see where this route will take him. KORD BAE...
  12. inav8r

    Show Your Pride in Pilots Of America with PoA Apparel!

    Ahh, yes, there was some confusion. I was also referring to the text above the shirt colors and not the drop down list. To be 100% certain we're on the same page, I've attached a screen shot taken directly from :)
  13. inav8r

    New Kittens in the Family!

    Yep, that's my personal promise to the momma.
  14. inav8r

    Show Your Pride in Pilots Of America with PoA Apparel!

    On the polo shirt page, can you list the color names in the same order as the shirts? I'm a guy... I don't know what color "Melon" is... ;)
  15. inav8r

    Show Your Pride in Pilots Of America with PoA Apparel!

    Too many colors to choose from!! :D :yes: :yes: :yes:
  16. inav8r

    New Kittens in the Family!

    Earlier this week, a neighborhood stray who has adopted us as her family decided to have her kittens in our garage. She hung around our house last fall & occasionally over the winter but this spring she's been around the house quite a bit. We knew she was pregnant but honestly we thought she was...
  17. inav8r

    1tb != 1tb...

    Well, if you decide you need 1TB, here's a solution for ~ $399,1697,2131552,00.asp
  18. inav8r

    I Declared an Emergency Today

    Peggy, I'm glad things worked out for you!. I've had the same thing happen to me. Before my GPS failure I felt 100% OK w/ jumping in the plane and trusting only the GPS. Now I won't even leave the pattern without at least 2 forms of Navigation planned...
  19. inav8r

    Anyone else tired of being treated as a crook?[NA]

    Just hope you don't have to return anything. ;)