Search results

  1. Nav8tor

    Future of Runway at Willow Grove?

    Good bye T-34 :sad:, I hardly new ya.
  2. Nav8tor

    North East Flyers - November Event

    Look's like a great turn out. Wish I could make this one but I have another commitment that I can't get out of :frown3:
  3. Nav8tor

    VanSant Airport - Sport Aviation Closing?!?

    Jay, Welcome to POA. Thanks for taking over the operations at VanSant and keeping it viable. That place is a local aviation treasure.
  4. Nav8tor

    VanSant Airport - Sport Aviation Closing?!?

    That's good news. Thanks for the update.
  5. Nav8tor

    VanSant Airport - Sport Aviation Closing?!?

    Re: Sport Aviation @ Van Sant Airport Here
  6. Nav8tor

    A brief announcement

    Great game last night! Go Phillies.
  7. Nav8tor

    Happy B'Day, Leslie!

    Happy Birthday Leslie. Enjoy your night out.
  8. Nav8tor

    Video: Saturday flying

    Very well done :thumbsup:. Must've been a great day.
  9. Nav8tor


    It's a boat. Did I pass?:D
  10. Nav8tor

    Hey..That's Ted!

    So I'm sitting here looking at the pictures in the Windwood thread with the 11:00 ABC news on the TV and I hear the News Anchor say something about lucky dogs. I look over at the TV and there's Ted and the Aztruck! It was just a teaser for the upcoming stories. I'm waiting for the full story...
  11. Nav8tor

    Mary and I jumped in the ownership pool

    And here are the happy owners leaving Windwood in their new pride and joy this morning.
  12. Nav8tor

    Mary and I jumped in the ownership pool

    Congratulations Gary!! :thumbsup: Nice looking bird.
  13. Nav8tor

    My new ride

    LOL, It looks to be the real deal
  14. Nav8tor

    My new ride

    The hood and headlights look like 57 Chevy. Not sure about the rest. Nice ride though
  15. Nav8tor

    Marine Osprey MV-22; Mikey likes it!

    Define very, very gently and slowly.
  16. Nav8tor

    Marine Osprey MV-22; Mikey likes it!

    Along with pretty much every other helicopter (see Blackhawk down)
  17. Nav8tor

    Marine Osprey MV-22; Mikey likes it! stated in the article in the OP...
  18. Nav8tor

    WHOA!! Engine out over my house!

    Rob, I've seen a plane like that at N10. I think it's based there.
  19. Nav8tor

    End of an era...RIP Peg

    Sorry for your loss. I lost my Golden Retriever a year ago this Thursday in nearly the same way you lost Peg.
  20. Nav8tor

    T-34 time

    Yeah, that's it.......An investment......:tongue:. Dunno if he sold it yet or not. I haven't seen it in a long time. Tomorrow I'm scheduled to fly the other club T-34. This one