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  1. C

    Crippling training anxiety

    What RG said about flying friends is really true. I’ve been lucky enough to have a group of people who do a regular lunch run on saturdays. Invite a pilot to go with you somewhere that’s a simple destination. Food is always good. look around, I’ll bet there’s an airport cafe within a 30 min...
  2. C

    Crippling training anxiety

    I had a similar fear of flying after passing my instrument. Very random and not like me. Basically, my wife was doing our taxes and saw the amount I spent on flying and training. So we went over and got in the plane to have a joy flight. Something with no plan, just get to the airport, pick a...
  3. C

    Fouled Plug - What?

    I went through this. Now I lean right after startup and lean it to a point where advancing the throttle will cause a studder. They have been clean ever since.
  4. C

    Station air down Marlin TX

    Sad to see. Looks like they were doing maneuvers at low altitude
  5. C

    GFC-500 question

    When you bug an altitude, you’ll need to hit IAS or VS then use the wheel to select your rates. I did this same thing a few times when getting used to the system. When in doubt, hit the AP and reset your desired values.
  6. C

    Database update date

    yes, the plane is in the hangar. I will have to try this
  7. C

    Database update date

    That’s the part that is escaping me. The one time I tried to let it get to expiration, it did not have the next one available. From that point on a carry a Card Reader in my flight bag.
  8. C

    Database update date

    I was told by an installer that you are able to have the current database and the next available database loaded. That way when the cycle is complete, the GTN can load the next database without having to take out the card and update manually. the same installer also tried to sell me a Connext...
  9. C

    Database update date

    I have a 650xi. For some reason I haven’t been able to get two databases at the same time. So I got an additional card, hopefully I’ll be able to figure this out.
  10. C

    Database update date

    Is there a set date it that you can update a new database for the next cycle? I finally got an additional card so I don’t have to bring a computer to the hangar monthly, and want to know if there is a set date prior to expiration that I can download a new database. Thanks
  11. C

    G5 reversionary with GFC500

    We have the same panel. I think it’s a good practice for a DPE to challenge you on what you have available in the aircraft. He was sure to test me on the use of the GFC500 and available functions of the GTN650. I think that I’m confident in the HSI operating. I’ll try it next time I fly. If...
  12. C

    G5 reversionary with GFC500

    Thank you! It was a tough test. 30kt winds, gusty and turbulence. A perfect day for a checkride lol It makes sense that the HSI drives it. Is there somewhere this is printed? I looked through my manual for the G5/GFC500 and didn’t pick it up, but then again it was more of a scan.
  13. C

    G5 reversionary with GFC500

    I had a question come up during my instrument checkride today that I could not answer. ...You have Dual G5 with the GFC500 autopilot, if the AI(top) G5 fails, does the HSI(bottom) G5 still drive the Autopilot when it reverts to Reversionary mode and acts as the AI? I basically answered. I...
  14. C

    Overnight Parking?

  15. C

    We need to have a discussion on the Ukraine...

    I can think of about 81,000,000 reasons this is all happening.
  16. C

    Instrument Student in IMC

    The ASOS at my airport will sometimes state 1 1/2 vis on a perfect CAVU day. however, it always seems to work on cloudy days I’ve learned to call the airport in advance of driving out there.
  17. C

    Oil Discoloration

    I’ll update after my oil change. I’m hoping that since I change oil at 25-30 hours I’m mitigating some of the issues. I haven’t had any reports of corrosion as of yet, but I like to stay ahead of the curve.
  18. C

    Oil Discoloration

    Well that makes sense. It wasn’t exactly pattern work but was practice approaches and going missed. Somewhat similar. On cold days, I let the entire engine come up to temp. Waiting on the oil-cooler thermavern to open and oil pressure to decline/stabilize prior to even performing the ground...