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  1. J

    Dan Gryder Lockheed Electra Crash

    Glenn Hancock owner and PIC of the aircraft posted this comment on Juan Browne's youtube channel. Pretty good video with all of the details you could have had. We did only work on the right gear and while tightening the brake line, didn’t...
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    Dan Gryder Lockheed Electra Crash

    Facebook info <iframe src="" width="500" height="800" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"...
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    The missing light - and now you know the rest of the story

    It looks like Dan Gryder posted the video again on youtube with a different user name. His version of the restraining order is at the end. Too bizarre and not believable.
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    Youtube Pilot and her dad perish in TN

    Prelim report
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    Youtube Pilot and her dad perish in TN

    Jenny herself knows that her dad was not a pilot. In the comment section of one of her videos, someone asked is your dad a pilot? Jenny responded, no my dad is not a pilot. She has definitively answered that question.
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    Richard McSpadden Crash

    The NTSB preliminary report is out. Can someone look it up and post a link.
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    Richard McSpadden Crash new info
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    Richard McSpadden Crash

    Yes Russ Francis bought the business
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    The Pilots of America Unofficial Hall of Fame, Troll Edition

    I thought Whitney was pretty entertaining until ejection handle pulled.
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    SVB: Biggest bank failure since '08

    Yes, you are covered separately at each bank. Also you can add a beneficiary or beneficiaries to each account get up to $1 million coverage at one bank. Google FDIC insurance and they tell you how to do it.
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    Paul Harrop

    It is the same person. Paul is a transgender, male to female.
  12. J

    Can anyone tell me what the vintage Piper Yoke emblem is supposed to be?

    I think this is close in that Piper is representing itself as an Eagle and a powerful and superior product. What does an eagle and snake tattoo mean? Eagle tattoos and snake tattoos are traditional symbols of power and superiority, with eagles representing authority over the competition. The...