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  1. H

    Swan’s island tree trimming
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    PA-31 down near KALB

    That description would not merit a B in English class.
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    Dan Gryder Lockheed Electra Crash

    Well played sir!
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    RV-12 Fatal Crash - Control Failure 6/6 Auburn, WA

    It's going to take a while to get through all these ;)
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    RV-12 Fatal Crash - Control Failure 6/6 Auburn, WA

    @wanttaja I'm super interested in your analyses. Where could I learn more?
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    Sleep study done and after using CPAP I feel amazing

    Pro tip; put an airtag in your case when you travel. Will make replacing finding it much easier... or so I've been told :rolleyes:
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    Water landing KATU
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    Cirrus chute - all survive

    I know of at least one that was rebuilt and is now airworthy. No idea how.
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    Cirrus chute - all survive

    I remember that one.
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    First day of flight training in a week and I still need a headset—what are your suggestions?

    You can't really go wrong. If you get the cheaper DC's you'll end up using them for passengers if you upgrade.
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    The older mountain bike thread but now a road bike review update

    DC Rainmaker did a pretty thorough review quite a while ago. Pedals are great if you want to swap them between bikes often, but you're committed to their pedal system (look).
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    Super Cub on floats crashes/sinks into lake in Alaska, 2 dead

    Stuff like this makes it seem like the risk curve for experience is U shaped. Obviously just a feeling. Scary stuff.
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    Dan Gryder Lockheed Electra Crash

    “Doing my own research™️” proud sponsors of acme tinfoil hats. Remember, birds aren’t real.
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    Cirrus chute - all survive

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    Cirrus chute - all survive

    78 seems way high the 20 stalls in the high 50’s fully configured
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    PA-31 down near KALB

    Will a piston start and run-up properly with an avgas/jet fuel blend? Is it similar to water contamination?
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    The older mountain bike thread but now a road bike review update

    Nah, just make sure it’s in the 11 before the car pulls up