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  1. PilotRPI

    IFR Oral Exam Prep

    My instructor just put a bunch of people through the IFR with the same examiner so I’ll be sure to talk to them. We’ll be doing the mock oral in a few weeks. Last flight went really well.
  2. PilotRPI

    IFR Oral Exam Prep

    Anyone used a book they like for the oral exam? I passed the written in January and almost ready to take the next tests. Saw available the Gleim and ASA, figure their might be others as well.
  3. PilotRPI

    Mixed up Cirri

    Instead of flying the pattern and landing, it would have been faster for pilot A it fly plane B over owner B and pull the handle, no?
  4. PilotRPI

    All2Fly Flight Academy

    At leastgo talk to a couple of instructors. Do they enjoy doing it, or are they just flogging through to build hours toward airliners? If you don’t click with an instructor don’t be affraid to speak up and switch, or you can waste a lot of money quickly.
  5. PilotRPI

    What plane are you daydreaming about today?

    Citabria or a Champ.
  6. PilotRPI

    Long XC in Cessna 150?

    If you got the time and find it comfy hours on end, they are good little planes. Like any other plane just prep the flight well and be prepped to cancel or push due to weather.
  7. PilotRPI

    What can $30,000 plus buy?

    I keep seeing some nice Champs for less than that and it is really enticing.
  8. PilotRPI

    Flying While Pregnant

    What about, like, just a little bit of coke? Not a full blown habit though.
  9. PilotRPI

    When does it click?

    I certainly wouldn't worry at this point, especially if you are still enjoying it. Just take your time. Some people solo in eight hours, some in 25. 3 hours you shouldn't be feeling any pressure.
  10. PilotRPI

    Shortest Landing You Will See Today

    Well we certainly can’t have two of you. How do we decide who is the “okayest” of them all?
  11. PilotRPI

    Roadblocks in purchasing a plane. What can I do?

    Screw a 150. Buy whatever you want and finance it by running illegal goods across the border. Makes about as much sense and puts you in the same place as cheating on taxes and blabbing about it on the internet.
  12. PilotRPI

    Southwest oopsie - ‘woman partially sucked out of window’

    Screw declaring, pull the chute handle!!
  13. PilotRPI

    My Airplane Purchase Quest

    I looked at a lot of turds before I found a decent plane. Took about 6 months. As hard as it is, don’t get attached before or during the prebuy. Better to waste $500 and say no thanks than buy a plane needing $20k of work. You are going about it the right way. And good luck! Always loved...
  14. PilotRPI

    Got my brains bashed in the Cub today

    One of my most memorable lessons was in a Cub with turbulence and wind shear. Quite a confidence booster, and also kicked the ever loving crap out of me. It was absolutely exhausting.
  15. PilotRPI

    New Traffic Pattern Advisory Circular

    Patterns are for nerds. Just straight line it to short final and battle it out over the threshold.
  16. PilotRPI

    Instrument Approach Speed

    I was using 75 kts in a 172B no flaps, which probably has similar landing speeds to the 150. On a timed localizer, I could just split the difference between the 60kt and 90kt times.
  17. PilotRPI

    How much does it cost to get an airplane certified?

    When I graduated from college in 2004, my prof's were involved and for some GA aircraft they estimated $30MM. Of course your results may vary.
  18. PilotRPI

    RANS s7-ls training

    I enjoyed the Tailwheel 101 DVD. Got my instruction from the guy that did the DVD, and he is probably one of the best tailwheel guys around. Certainly one of the top instructors I've ever had. Other than that just getting time in the plane is what really does it, and I had an absolute blast.
  19. PilotRPI

    Bonanza Costs

    I'm trying to come up with a fair dry-rate to use a buddy's Bonanza. Anyone have a rate they use? Also, what are estimates to overhaul an IO-520 and a prop? Thank you.
  20. PilotRPI

    Looking for an A & P for pre-buy inspection

    Where are the planes located?