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  1. PilotRPI

    no geeking out?

    You're OK. It's "only 2 years away," just like it will be 5 years from now.
  2. PilotRPI

    Does your spouse have a clue

    "Fly, yes. Land, no." As someone else said, I'd bet she'd walk away from a landing, but we might be calling about Hull insurance. Although if she'd not a named pilot, would they sleeze their way out of reimbursement?
  3. PilotRPI

    3 miles mist - take off?

    Dude that's offensive. I think you want a pet "little person."
  4. PilotRPI

    Cessna 172P POH PDF

    If you'd like I'll send you my old ASA guide. It has the 172P and also maybe the N. Much of the same info as a POH, especially around performance, just not technically a POH. Shoot me a PM if interested.
  5. PilotRPI

    100LL was dark blue?

    I had the opposite happen. Could barely tell it was blue. Can change depending on the source of fuel and the amount of dye they use. So color can change and fuel could be just fine.
  6. PilotRPI

    Interested in how many have trouble falling asleep in hotels?

    Usually the cycling AC hyper afterburner is what wakes me up.
  7. PilotRPI

    ADSB Out: What Happens If You Don't Comply?

    So what I'm hearing is if you don't want adsb, just paint over you N number too..
  8. PilotRPI

    Cessna 172 not down in NH today

    Maybe he tried to mess up and it was pilot error that he couldn't?
  9. PilotRPI

    Impossible to find CFIIs

    The best CFIIs around me are not instructing for the schools, but they do it on on the side. Some are pilots for the majors or some just do it for fun. Of course then you would need to have your own plane, or find a school that will let you use their plane with an instructor they don't have...
  10. PilotRPI

    Flying Shame - it's a new "thing"

    This is a load of BS. The scientists I've met aren't in it for the money. They are in it for the love of science and finding truth. They aren't driving Ferraris. They're driving crappy old civics so it will take them to a job they love. Two big issues 1- people are getting their news from...
  11. PilotRPI

    IFR Learning Experience

    Great decision and sounds like you are comfortable with your personal minimums. I just did my first ifr flight solo and was nervous before as well with the family in the plane. Once the engine started that all went away. Climbed through a low layer and had a great flight from MA to Atlanta...
  12. PilotRPI

    New Sling high wing Tsi

    I want something for grass strips with decent cruise. I don't need supercub distances. Since I procreated the RV7 path doesn't make sense for me anymore. This could make a lot of sense. I was thinking 180 but maybe this is the ticket. I'll email them and ask about a tw version like with...
  13. PilotRPI

    New Sling high wing Tsi

    TW version and I'd probably buy one. That or I just take a beating and build a Glasair Sportsman.
  14. PilotRPI

    Buying an older 172E - Items to Upgrade?

    Recently sold a 172B that I loved. Used it for the first half of my IFR training. I had a newer pitot with heat, but would never go near icing with that plane, so an old style would probably be fine. I had a generator and had to rebuild it once. Then another time my voltage regulator failed...
  15. PilotRPI

    A reminder for why you want WAAS GPS if you fly IFR

    I did the first half of my training vor/loc/ils only. It was great to really get your mind into understanding position and approaches. Switched to a 430 later and it felt like cheating. Happy I learned a bit with just vors, but for practical purposes, gps makes the real deal a lot easier.
  16. PilotRPI

    Engine failure in a twin - how soon do you land?

    My grandfather use to do aerobatics in a Mosquito on one engine.
  17. PilotRPI

    Thoughts on this plane

    The first part here really needs to be stressed. Carbon fiber has some great characteristics, but they are very different than aluminum. Was this designed properly, or were parts just copied in carbon fiber. Something like a spar has special designs requirements due to the directional nature...
  18. PilotRPI

    Best Way Around DC?

    Very cool. Thank you. Down by DC, do they keep you to the east side of the airspace?
  19. PilotRPI

    Best Way Around DC?

    Tomorrow I am flying from Boston to Atlanta, meaning I have to go by the NYC and DC airspaces. What is the best way to go? 1) VFR over NYC, and around the SFRA to the northwest between camp david? 2) VFR over NYC, and to the east of the SFRA (but I notice a lot of restricted areas out there)...
  20. PilotRPI

    Are you night current?

    Being colorblind can be laaaame.