Search results

  1. flyingcheesehead

    Apple AirPod Pro 2’s as hearing aids

    It's a huge deal! Complete market disruption level deal. Hearing aids are expen$ive, and don't work well in some situations like restaurants or anywhere else where there's a large amount of background noise. AirPods Pro already had three modes: Noise Cancellation (which is active/ANR), Off, and...
  2. flyingcheesehead

    How long have you been using an iOS or Android EFB?

    Ah, how quickly we forget the bad parts of the bad old days. My last big trip prior to iPad/ForeFlight, I bought all of the sectionals, low enroutes, A/FDs, and approach plate books. Good old NACO paper stuff. It cost me $225 (for the trip, remember, it all expired in a few weeks!), filled up...
  3. flyingcheesehead

    Trigonometry is hard

    While neither is always the case, they are the case in the vast majority of instances. You used a pretty extreme example there, 7.75º is higher than the maximum permissible glidepath angle which is why the lower one is a circling-only approach.
  4. flyingcheesehead

    Does this operation require a commercial certificate?

    Which is one point toward the side of it not requiring a Commercial. With the "compliance philosophy" version of the FAA, I agree, provided the pilot is the sort of person who comes in with an attitude of being willing to learn about the errors of their ways. If they're the sort of person who...
  5. flyingcheesehead

    What Plane Should I Get Next?

    IMO, you've got a good handle on it but you're looking at the wrong Mooney. The Acclaim is a turbo beast, and turbos are a waste for most of your mission (flying around Florida). And unless your wife likes shoving straws up her nose for oxygen, you won't get any advantage out of it going to the...
  6. flyingcheesehead

    Does this operation require a commercial certificate?

    Well, until someone either gets nailed by the FAA for doing it or gets a Chief Counsel interpretation one way or the other, the answer is "nobody knows for sure". And this is very much a gray area, and I could make a good case in either direction. Next question - Is it an equity club? IE, do...
  7. flyingcheesehead

    "Regional Approach" vs "Lone Star Approach"?

    I don't think the FAA would do that... But when Lockheed Martin gets control of the newly privatized ATC system, they're going to put all the controllers in one big warehouse and we can just call them "Big Brother Center". I can hope we'll get something cool though. After all, there's now Great...
  8. flyingcheesehead

    More economical airliners?

    Well, just for the heck of it, I looked up American's annual report. If we look solely at operating costs for the mainline, the big items are fuel (35.6% of operating expenses) and personnel (42.4%). Even if there were no fuel, you'd still need to cut another 14.4% to get costs cut in half...
  9. flyingcheesehead

    NA Convert a bulb outlet to an outlet outlet

    Unfortunately, I could not find the original. It was posted to a blog that I think was on long ago. Luckily, someone copied it over here so we'll have it forever! :D
  10. flyingcheesehead

    Savvy Aviation Mike Busch Videos - Thoughts?

    Mike is a person who knows a lot of things and is very logical about his thinking, but can rub people the wrong way because of how he says things, even if he's right. After interacting with him and being surprised at how much of a jerk he came across as, I asked someone I knew who was...
  11. flyingcheesehead

    "Regional Approach" vs "Lone Star Approach"?

    Hah! There's a controller that calls the GOPAC arrival into MKE the "gop-pick" because as a die hard Bears fan he refuses to say "Go Pack". Or so I've heard. :D For quite a while, there has been a plan to consolidate Madison and Milwaukee TRACONs (and I'm guessing Green Bay as well). I...
  12. flyingcheesehead

    Woman Backs Into Propeller, Kansas, fatal, 10/27

    Reminds me of the joke about the mathematician, the engineer, and the beautiful woman. Hey, I didn't name it. ;) But, hot loading is an additional risk. Reasonable steps should be taken to mitigate that risk, and reasonable steps should be taken to ensure that those mitigations are reasonably...
  13. flyingcheesehead

    NA Convert a bulb outlet to an outlet outlet

    And if you're really good at it, you become an airline pilot:
  14. flyingcheesehead

    NA Convert a bulb outlet to an outlet outlet

    That's the product the wife uses to answer the question, and what the OP was trying to avoid. :p LOL about the "batteries" though... :rofl: A shared online calendar is one of the most effective and useful technological tools to have in a marriage/family. Ah yes. Brings up the old family story...
  15. flyingcheesehead

    Question about ForeFlight Map Ruler feature?

    Your fingers are covering up the screen, though... I did just mess with this a little and it appears that the center of your fingers is where it puts the bottom two corners of the rectangle. Those of us with fat fingers may not be able to see the ends of the middle line either, but the top line...
  16. flyingcheesehead

    Woman Backs Into Propeller, Kansas, fatal, 10/27

    Exactly. Probably at the point where someone justifies not having procedures because nothing has happened yet. The part that's harder to pin down is, what if nobody ever suggests that there should be a procedure in place to mitigate the added risk of hot loading? "We've always done it that way"...
  17. flyingcheesehead

    Woman Backs Into Propeller, Kansas, fatal, 10/27

    This has nothing to do with "offending" anyone. It's about getting to the right answer and making the rest of us safer. Others here have qualified it, but I'm going to flat out say it: There is never just one cause. Not at all. Why was that person there? Why was the prop turning in the first...
  18. flyingcheesehead

    Single Pilot Airbus?

    Sure, after a person pushes the right buttons. :p Yeah, those planes can land ONCE by themselves, and then they'll be going to the shop for a while. There's also a lot more involved in regular aviation decisionmaking than "Land as quickly as possible at the nearest suitable airport". The...
  19. flyingcheesehead

    The journey of 1300nm begins...

    Started with lots of experience both driving and flying around the country. Looked at what VORs were on the flight path, looked at the surrounding terrain, then looked at Google Maps to verify, because I'm just a huge nerd. :rofl: PIO's surroundings are pretty unique so it wasn't hard to figure out.
  20. flyingcheesehead

    NA - Permanent Christmas Lights

    Common? I don't think I've ever seen one and I've lived in the Midwest for nearly my whole life! Maybe it's because in Wisconsin we just paint cows instead.