Search results

  1. Captain Larry

    Monday night concert?

    I am guessing heavy metal might be more to your liking.....In checking to make sure the Heavy Metal a-holes won't be waking me up in Vintage this year, I discovered The Glam Band....appearing in Ripon on July 22. You might want to snort your way over that direction.
  2. Captain Larry

    Oshkosh 2022 Group Parking/Camping Headcount

    I remember when the DH rule came to the American League. I was fine with it since my team (STL) was not affected. Now I could not tell you the names of a majority of the Cardinal's players. But it does free up my summers now for other things until football starts.
  3. Captain Larry

    Oshkosh 2022 Group Parking/Camping Headcount

    Well, sorry that this tradition "annoys" you. I am annoyed by skinny jeans, brown shoes with little boy blue suits (Frank Zappa let us all know how lame THAT is), pilots who use "knots" as a unit of distance, pilots who can't fly a railroad track at a set altitude, and the designated hitter. MLB...
  4. Captain Larry

    Osh 2022 NOTAM is out

    When I heard that ("aircraft cutting in line"!!!), which was the Friday was a Fisk controller actually calling out the line cutters by N number and telling them to go back. Good for them. There have been line cutters since there was a Fisk arrival. With ADS-B, they can see the...
  5. Captain Larry

    Take off MP reduction

    That is a significant pontification. If you have any others, maybe a book might be in order. You could debunk other traditions. And yes, I have reduced power in each aircraft I have checked out in. But my instructors were old idiots who did not know that this was wrong. Of course, I will still...
  6. Captain Larry

    PA24 down KAFP

    I am sure it will fit snugly amongst the other thousands of suggestions sent your way.....
  7. Captain Larry

    PA24 down KAFP

    my suggestion to you is to not mess with Kristin, who has probably forgotten more about aircraft operations then you ever knew. Don't assume that someone has not heard this use of "like" before. You just need to watch bad movies from the 70's and 80's and you will get your gut full. Does not...
  8. Captain Larry

    Air Tactical King Air down while battling AZ wildfire

    Regarding your Item #2....I was living in Broken Bow, NE in 1984. On a Sunday, as I recall, I was towing a boat from a lake back to Broken Bow. A huge roll cloud was ahead and like everyone else on that highway, I pulled over. It was a monster and I was glad I was in a car and glad I was not...
  9. Captain Larry

    Oshkosh 2021 Notam - Airventure

    Of course.....cirrii would have the right of way, no question about that. And you can expect a tight base if cleared for 27 BUT, again, you can probably do what you want.
  10. Captain Larry

    Oshkosh 2021 Notam - Airventure

    It is very possible that I misheard the Webinar presenter the other night, who, I thought said....."filing instruments does not guarantee you will not have to fly the VFR procedure IF the field is VMC"....pardon my paraphrasing.....just sayin. I flew in about 35 or 40 years ago on an Instrument...
  11. Captain Larry

    Pre-buy inspection. Is it reasonable?

    A lot of these narratives are from the perspective of the buyer, which is because the OP was "the buyer". I have been both buyer and seller, many times over. I just sold my PA30. I priced it right. It cost me insurance (May) and an annual (October) if I was to keep it. I could have sold that...
  12. Captain Larry


    Probably already finished law school....
  13. Captain Larry

    I am a rude hangar neighbor

    I am not sure if "rude" and "Mooney" go together and I am certainly not suggesting that they go together.......however........I had a hangar neighbor (Mooney driver) who was never taught that there is a right way and a wrong way to taxi by an open hangar (mine), and rotate the plane for the...
  14. Captain Larry

    What plane should you buy? Here ya go

    the millennials have never heard of the space shuttle so the airbnb idea won't "fly"
  15. Captain Larry

    This is absurd.....

    Regarding todays Space X liftoff. "Liftoff is set for 4:33 p.m. ET from the same spot at Kennedy Space Center where the last space shuttle launched to the moon in 2011." This is the news feed from something called, on my Extreme News feed. This is what happens when pimple poppers are...
  16. Captain Larry

    Cirrus killer?

    One of these years, maybe soon, I will be faced with owning an airplane with struts, other than those connected to my landing gear on the PA30. But it will NOT look like a Clorox bottle turned on its side and WILL have rivets. The PA30 is hard to get into and out of, I do it by crawling in. The...
  17. Captain Larry

    SW MO fuel stop - KEOS

    KEOS is a good stop. Sometimes I sneak over there for cheap fuel.
  18. Captain Larry

    Cirrus killer?

    Does "ugly" just not count anymore?
  19. Captain Larry

    Collected wisdom of a 100-hour pilot

    Liked your bolt story....going to steal that one. Congrats on your milestone. When I am flying with some folks and have my thermos of coffee with me, I always offer to share. After the coffee is consumed, someone will always ask "what do you do if you have to go to the bathroom?".......I always...